Science, Space, and Technology Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) and Space Subcommittee Chairman Brian Babin (R-Texas) released the following statements today in observance of NASA’s Day of Remembrance for those who lost their lives in the Apollo 1, Columbia, and Challenger missions.

Chairman Smith: “Each year, our nation pauses to remember those who lost their lives during the Apollo 1, Challenger, and Columbia missions. We are reminded that the last 50 years of American space exploration have been full of great risks as well as great triumphs. We must never forget the trails these men and women blazed. I am encouraged by the new generation of innovators and explorers rising up to follow in their footsteps.”

Space Subcommittee Chairman Babin: “Today we honor those who lost their lives while pushing the limits of human spaceflight and exploration. The sacrifices of these pioneers – the Apollo 1, Challenger and Columbia astronaut crews, as well as many pilots and other employees – will never be forgotten. Their service and commitment will continue to inspire future generations deeper into space.”