A series of events honoring Sir Arthur C. Clarke are planned for Wednesday, 7 February 2000. This event will report on the progress
of the new CITI Institute and include several interesting panels of noted telecommunications officials and authors. A 15-minute film
to “predict” life in the year 2001 that was first made to promote the film 2001 will be — for the first time — publicly shown. This short
film will be introduced by a distinguished panel that has special insights about “2001: A Space Odyssey.” Chair of this panel will be
Fred Ordway (Member of the Clarke Institute Advisory Council) who served as a technical advisor to Stanley Kubrick in the making
of the original film in the 1960s.

The day’s public events will be followed by an evening reception at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum (NASM) to
show the newly re-mastered landmark movie “2001” in its full 70 mm format plus greetings from Arthur C. Clarke. The current idea
is to hold the day-time events at the Museum from 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm. This will be followed by an evening reception at the
Smithsonian’s Air and Space Museum. A number of major space organizations are being contacted with regard to sponsoring the
entire day of events and celebrations. This program will be a fund raiser and individual donations will be solicited for attendees,
sponsors and patrons starting at $100 per person.

The Smithsonian, INTELSAT and Warner Brothers have agreed to support the event on the evening of the 7th of February and we
hope to confirm arrangements with Phillips Publishing, NASA and others to host the second annual CITI Conference and the evening
reception. At the conference we hope to report on the status of CITI Affiliates, hear from Sir Arthur C. Clarke and other key
communications leaders from around the world, and review progress on our four exciting global projects. (posted October 3, 2000)