Pratt & Whitney
(P&W) Space Propulsion achieved a significant milestone today with the launch
of Space Shuttle Atlantis (STS-110) from Kennedy Space Center, Fla.
launch marks the beginning of Shuttle flight with the new P&W fuel (hydrogen)
high-pressure turbopump installed on each of the three Space Shuttle Main
Engines (SSME) as key components of the upgraded Block II engine design.

“Our fuel turbopump now joins our LOX (liquid-oxygen) turbopump as
standard equipment on all future Shuttle missions,” stated Larry D. Knauer,
President, Pratt & Whitney Space Propulsion & Russian Operations.
“This is a
tremendous accomplishment and represents the culmination of many years of
dedication on the part of our customers, Pratt & Whitney and the Shuttle

P&W’s turbopumps, featuring fewer welds, a stronger integral shaft/disk
and more robust bearings, provide improved safety margins and life expectancy,
which extends the number of Shuttle flights allowed between major overhauls.
In addition to the high-pressure fuel and LOX turbopump on each SSME, P&W
provides 16 booster separation motors for each Shuttle launch.

Last July, a single P&W fuel turbopump flew successfully on Shuttle
Atlantis (STS-104) in the debut of the Block II SSME.
A second Block II SSME
with P&W’s fuel turbopump was flown on Shuttle Endeavour (STS-108) last

P&W will provide overhaul and refurbishment (O&R) for its LOX and fuel
turbopumps at each overhaul interval (approximately 10 missions). After
refurbishment, each turbopump will be returned to Shuttle service for an
additional 10 missions.
A minimum service life of 3 overhaul intervals, or 30
missions, is anticipated for each turbopump.
P&W’s turbopump O&R activity
will continue throughout the Space Shuttle’s operational life, which is
currently expected to extend beyond 2012.

The new fuel turbopump is produced by P&W at its West Palm Beach, Fla.
facility and is tested at NASA’s Stennis Space Center in Mississippi.
SSME Program is managed by NASA’s Space Shuttle Projects Office located at
Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala.

Pratt & Whitney Space Propulsion designs, develops, manufactures, tests
and supports space propulsion systems, providing industry with solid, liquid
and hypersonic propulsion for launch and missile applications.
Liquid rocket
and hypersonic propulsion systems are produced at the company’s headquarters
in West Palm Beach, Fla. and solid rocket propulsion systems are produced at
its San Jose, Calif. facility.

The company provides Russian rocket engines to the launch industry through
RD AMROSS LLC., which is located at West Palm Beach, Fla.
Advanced Systems
Technology, located at Huntsville, Ala., is also a part of P&W Space
Propulsion and provides automated spray systems and services to a variety of
customers, including the aerospace industry.

Pratt & Whitney, a United Technologies company, is a world
leader in the design, manufacture and service of aircraft engines, space
propulsion systems and industrial gas turbines.