Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) today issued this statement regarding the Chairmanship of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology:

“I am seeking the chairmanship for the House Science Committee because our nation’s science and space policy is at a critical juncture. The committee requires strong and effective leadership, and I want to bring my experience and proven record of legislative success to the committee.”

“If given the opportunity to serve as Science chair, my first priority will be to pass smart science and space policy that spurs job creation and ensures America’s future competitiveness. Specifically, we must responsibly fund our research and development programs, refocus NASA and foster the developing private space industry, and put the United States back on a path toward being a leader in STEM education.”

“Additionally, it’s more important than ever that the House exercises our constitutional oversight role. The Obama Administration has shown its willingness to manipulate science for political ends and threaten our domestic energy production and our economy in the process. I have a record of effective oversight, and I will continue to keep the Administration accountable for their use of science in crafting regulations and policies.”

Sensenbrenner is currently the Vice-Chair of the House Science Committee and represents Wisconsin’s Fifth Congressional District.