Encourage him to focus on Glenn Research Center and Plum Brook Station

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators George V. Voinovich and Sherrod Brown have led a letter with the Ohio delegation expressing a desire to work with President Obama to strengthen the presence of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in Ohio. Ohio is home to the Glenn Research Center, one of only ten NASA research centers in the country.

“We would encourage you to pay particular attention to the Glenn Research Center and its testing facility, Plum Brook Station,” the letter states. “While we are excited by all the work that has been done to date, it is but the beginning of opportunities that will span generations. Ohio has a skilled engineering labor force and manufacturers that have proven themselves on multiple NASA flight projects. When combined with NASA Glenn’s experienced federal workforce and world-class facilities, Ohio is a competitive choice for the location of additional contract and sub-contract work in design, development, manufacturing and testing.”

With the impending retirement of the Space Shuttle program, the delegation expressed the importance of strong leadership at NASA. They wrote to President Obama to encourage him to assemble a management team at NASA comprised of individuals versed in the research, science and technology components of NASA.

Please find full text of the letter below:

March 9, 2009

President Barack H. Obama
White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President:

We are writing today to express a desire to work with your administration to strengthen the presence of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in the State of Ohio.

As you know, Ohio is home to the Glenn Research Center, one of only ten NASA research centers in the country. The Center is unique among its peers due to the fact it demonstrates experience in both aeronautics and spaceflight. Its portfolio includes expertise in aerospace power, propulsion, communications and microgravity. The Center has taken a lead in critical manned space flight programs, including the Crew Exploration Vehicle Service Module, the Crew Launch Vehicle Upper Stage Systems, and Lunar station power, communications and thermal management.

Glenn’s research has played a pivotal role in furthering American dominance in the aerospace sector. Strong and continued investment in space and aeronautics research and development has also had a long-term beneficial economic impact both in Ohio and nationwide; contributing to a growth in new jobs and industrial development.

Today, Glenn’s benefits extend to every corner of Ohio. NASA’s economic impact to the state exceeds $1.2 billion, and acts as a catalyst for the 1,200 aerospace related companies in our state, that are employing more than 100,000 Ohioans. This allows Ohio to carry on a tradition of excellence and leadership in the aerospace industry that began over a hundred years ago with the birth of aviation in Dayton, Ohio.

With the impending retirement of the Space Shuttle program, NASA finds itself at a crossroads and in need of strong leadership to guide it through the transition to future missions. As you work to assemble NASA’s management team, we would respectfully ask that you seek out experienced individuals, who will remain committed to the “10 Healthy Centers” concept, and who can balance the many unique challenges inherent in an organization that consistently pushes the boundaries of science and technology.

We would encourage you to pay particular attention to the Glenn Research Center and its testing facility, Plum Brook Station. While we are excited by all the work that has been done to date, it is but the beginning of opportunities that will span generations. Ohio has a skilled engineering labor force and manufacturers that have proven themselves on multiple NASA flight projects. When combined with NASA Glenn’s experienced federal workforce and world-class facilities, Ohio is a competitive choice for the location of additional contract and sub-contract work in design, development, manufacturing and testing.

NASA missions result in major scientific discoveries that enrich our nation and the world. Its engineering accomplishments are a symbol of America’s innovation and technological excellence. The agency serves as an inspiration for our youth to pursue careers in science, mathematics, and engineering which are vital to our future competitiveness. A strong, well-funded NASA is a good investment for our citizens, our state and our nation.

We will continue to remain engaged on this issue and look forward to working with you in the future to further NASA’s mission in Ohio.


George V. Voinovich
United States Senator

Sherrod Brown
United States Senator

Steven C. LaTourette
Member of Congress

Marcy Kaptur
Member of Congress

Michael Turner
Member of Congress

Charles A. Wilson
Member of Congress

Patrick J. Tiberi
Member of Congress

Zach Space
Member of Congress

Bob Latta
Member of Congress

Tim Ryan
Member of Congress

Steve Austria
Member of Congress

Dennis Kucinich
Member of Congress

Betty Sutton
Member of Congress

John Boccieri
Member of Congress

Marcia Fudge
Member of Congress

Steve Driehaus
Member of Congress

Mary Jo Kilroy
Member of Congress