WASHINGTON – Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Chairman of the Senate Commerce Subcommittee on Science and Space, and Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) today offered an amendment to the Defense Authorization Bill expressing the Sense of the Senate regarding the critical nature of human space flight to America’s national security.

Chairman Hutchison believes it is important we recognize the important role of human spaceflight to our national security interests, and that we reaffirm our commitment to retaining our nation’s leadership role in the growing international human spaceflight community of nations. 

“Great nations discover and explore.  Great nations cross oceans, settle frontiers and continually renew their heritage and spirits and create greater freedom and opportunity for the world,” Chairman Hutchison said.  “Great nations must also remain on the front edge of technologically advanced programs to maintain their security edge.”

Chairman Hutchison expressed her concerns regarding the recent announcement by the Chinese space agency that they planned to launch their second manned spaceflight in October aboard their Shenzhou spacecraft. In addition, the Russian space agency has announced that they were initiating full-scale development of their Klipper space vehicle, a small, shuttle-like space vehicle capable of taking several people into orbit.

“Space is not the exclusive province of the United States. There is increasing interest among technically advanced nations of the world in developing and maintaining the ability to conduct human spaceflight missions,” said Sen. Hutchison. “At a time when space is becoming increasingly important and relevant to commerce, national security and international affairs, it is crucial that we recognize and acknowledge the importance of our current human space flight activities.”