A space pioneer and a former Secretary of the Navy are
among the six new, distinguished members of the NASA Advisory
Council (NAC).

Former U.S. Senator, and veteran Mercury and Space Shuttle
astronaut John H. Glenn Jr. has agreed to serve on the panel
that provides advice and counsel to the NASA Administrator.
Sen. Glenn, who just last week celebrated the 40th
anniversary of his historic orbital space flight, will attend
the NAC’s next meeting, which convened today at NASA’s
Johnson Space Center in Houston.

“I am delighted Senator Glenn has accepted this
responsibility and I look forward to his contribution to this
vital advisory council,” said NASA Administrator Sean
O’Keefe. “His impeccable credentials as an aviator and space
explorer, and his untiring dedication to the betterment of
this agency are valuable assets.”

Richard Danzig, who served as the 71st Secretary of the Navy
from 1998 to 2001, also has agreed to join the NAC. Danzig is
currently director of the National Semiconductor Corporation,
Santa Clara, Calif., and of Human Genome Sciences, Rockville,

He was also the Undersecretary of the Navy from 1993 to 1997.
In 1981, he was awarded the Defense Distinguished Public
Service Award. He received the same honor, which is the
highest Department of Defense civilian award, in 1997 and
2001 for his work with the Navy and U.S. Marine Corps.

Also joining the council are other professionals from
academia and industry, among them Roger E. Tetrault, a
retired vice chairman and chief executive officer of
McDermott International, Inc., New Orleans. He retired in
August 2000 after 24 years of service. A graduate of the U.S.
Naval Academy and former naval officer, Tetrault also served
as corporate vice president and president of General
Dynamics’ Electric Boat Division.

Dr. Donald C. Fraser, founder and director of the Photonics
Center at Boston University, also joins the NAC. Photonics’
mission is the creation of companies that exploit the
technology of light. Before joining Boston University, he
served the George H. Bush administration as the Principal
Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition.

Joining the panel as well is David J. Berteau, who serves as
Director of National Security Studies at Syracuse
University’s Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public
Affairs, the U.S. Department of Defense Executive Management
Development and Training Program, in New York.

The final new NAC member is Dr. Andrew Christensen, who
chairs the Space Sciences Advisory Committee and is currently
in-house representative to the European Meteorological
Satellite Organization for the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

“NASA has a long tradition of turning to the best and
brightest citizens for advice and guidance on major issues,”
added Administrator O’Keefe. “I look forward to a productive
and meaningful relationship with all the members of the NASA
Advisory Council.”

Each NAC member serves a two-year term, with an option to
serve an additional two years. The advisory panel meets at
least four times a year and reports directly to the NASA
Administrator on critical issues facing the agency.

Dr. Charles F. Kennel, Vice Chancellor of Marine Sciences,
Director of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and Dean
of the Graduate School of Marine Sciences currently chairs
the NAC. He is a physicist whose personal research focused on
fundamental plasma physics, combined with space and

Additional information on the NASA Advisory Council is
available on the Internet at:
