SOHO 13 `Waves, oscillations and small scale transient events in
the solar atmosphere: A joint view of SOHO and TRACE’

29 September – 3 October 2003
Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain

Objectives of the Workshop

Observations obtained by SOHO and TRACE have provided with a wealth
of information about oscillations, waves and small scale dynamic events
in the solar atmosphere, fostering many theoretical developments. Owing
to this notable extensive and intensive development in observations and
theory, time is now ripe for a joint SOHO – TRACE meeting focused on
waves, oscillations and small scale transient events in the solar
atmosphere. The aim of the Workshop is to bring together solar observers
and theorists in order to jointly analyse all these excellent SOHO and
TRACE observations. We intend to take stock of where we stand and to
identify key opportunities and challenges for future developments in the
rapidly expanding field of coronal seismology. Particular attention will
be given to the connections between waves, oscillations and small-scale
dynamical events: Is there a common root of their generation? Do the
waves and small scale phenomena, like explosive events, blinkers, active
region brightenings, nano- and micro-flares interact? Up to what extent
do they contribute to the large scale dynamics and heating of the solar

Format of the Workshop

The Workshop will start with an Opening Lecture. There will be
Invited Talks of 30 minutes, Contributed Oral Presentations of
15 minutes and Posters. Sessions will have invited reviews both
on their observational and theory aspects. The talks and posters
are organized in topical sessions with no parallel sessions. A
Closing Review will conclude the meeting. There will be a
separate room for all posters to be presented throughout the
whole meeting.

The Scientific Sessions will start on Monday 29 September 2003
at 09h00 and end on Friday 3 October 13h00.

Scientific Programme

The invited talks and oral contributions of the Meeting will be
distributed in such a way to obtain a healthy balance between
observational and theoretical aspects. Poster sessions will give
plenty of opportunities to complement the invited reviews and
contributed talks. The titles of the scientific sessions are
listed below.

Opening Lecture by Bernie Roberts (St. Andrews, UK)

Session 1 MHD waves and oscillations in photospheric structures

Session 2 Waves in the chromosphere

Session 3 Topological changes and magnetic coupling

Session 4 Waves and oscillations in prominences

Session 6 Transition region dynamics: transients, jets

Session 7 Wave acceleration in open magnetic regions

Session 8 Coronal seismology

Closing Review

Call for Papers

You are invited to submit contributions in the whole area covered by
the Scientific Programme of the meeting. The abstracts of all papers
must be submitted through the Abstract submission link which will be
available at where, following the instructions,
you can upload your abstract in Latex style. For each abstract you
should indicate one particular session for which the paper will be
considered by the SOC and your preferences for oral or poster

Publication of Proceedings

We intend to publish the contributions in the series of ESA SP
Only posters with at least one author present at the meeting will be
considered for display and publication. Only contributions strictly
relevant to the program of the workshop will be accepted.

Calendar of Events

1 April 2003 Second Announcement with Preliminary Scientific Program
31 May 2003 Abstracts submission deadline
30 June Final Announcement with Scientific Programme
15 July 2003 Hotel reservation deadline
15 July 2003 Registration deadline


Conference site

SOHO 13 will take place in the Conference room and in other in-house
facilities of Hotel Riu Bravo located in Playa de Palma, close to
Palma de Mallorca town.

Registration and Registration fees

Participants should register electronically through the link
Registration Form which will be available at
The full registration fee, paid before 15 July 2003 is 250 EUR per
person. After this date it will be 300 EUR. This fee entitles
participants to attend the conference sessions, to receive the
Abstract and Programme booklets and the Proceedings. It also includes
morning and afternoon refreshments during the conference, the welcome
reception, the excursion and the conference dinner.


Ultramar Express Conference Management will make arrangements for
hotel reservations of participants. To secure a hotel reservation,
please, fill the Hotel booking form which will be available at The reservations will be made on “first come
first serve” basis.

Accommodation will be available on-site and in a range of hotels
close to the conference site. Participants are welcomed to stay
directly in the Riu Bravo hotel.

Social Events

A Welcome Party will take place on Monday, September 29, 2003 in the
Riu Bravo hotel.

An excursion to Valldemossa and Deiá will take place on Thursday,
October 2, 2003, in the afternoon.

A Conference Dinner will be held on Wednesday, October 1, 2003

Computer and Internet Centre

A computer conference centre with access to Internet will be
available to the participants.


The SOHO13 workshop is supported by: European Space Agency, MCyT, UIB

Scientific Organising Committee (SOC)

Jose Luis Ballester (Spain), Mats Carlsson (Norway), Werner Curdt (MPAe,
Germany), Robert Erdelyi (Chair, UK), Bernhard Fleck (Co- Chair, ESA),
Marcel Goossens (K.U.L., Belgium) Joe Gurman (GSFC, USA), Richard Harrison
(RAL, UK), John L. Kohl (CfA, USA), Karel Schrijver (LMSAL, USA), Alan
Title (Co-Chair, LMSAL, USA), Marco Velli (Italy), Jean-Claude Vial (IAS,

Local Organising Committee (LOC)

Jose Luis Ballester (Chair), Ramon Oliver, Marc Carbonell, Inigo Arregui,
Antonio Diaz

For more information you may contact the SOC at
or LOC at