Sea Launch Company deployed Loral’s Telstar 18
communications satellite into orbit tonight from its ocean-based platform on the Equator. Early data indicate
all systems aboard the spacecraft are in excellent condition.

The Sea Launch Zenit-3SL rocket lifted off at 8:59 pm PDT (3:59 GMT , June 29), as scheduled, from the
Odyssey Launch Platform, positioned at 154 degrees West Longitude. On its way to a final orbital
position at 138 degrees East Longitude, the spacecraft was separated into a reduced apogee orbit. A ground
station in Perth, Australia, acquired the spacecraft’s first signal, shortly after spacecraft

After the completion of the mission, Jim Maser, president and general manager of Sea Launch, said, “We
are still assessing the data and we are optimistic the spacecraft will achieve its specified lifespan on orbit.
We are supporting our Loral customer in this assessment. We will issue additional information as it becomes

Built by Space Systems/Loral and operated by Loral Skynet – both subsidiaries of Loral Space &
Communications – the high-powered 1300-model spacecraft carries 54 active transponders, 16 Ku-band
transponders and 38 C-band transponders. Once operational in the next few weeks, the Ku-band will reach China,
India, Taiwan and Hong Kong, while the C-band capacity will cover Asia, Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific
islands and Hawaii. The satellite will host cable programming, direct-to-home broadcasting, Internet, VSAT and
IP-based two-way services within Asia while providing an inter-connect to the United States.

Sea Launch Company, LLC, headquartered in Long Beach, Calif., and marketed through Boeing Launch Services
(, is the world’s most reliable
commercial heavy-lift launch services provider. This multinational partnership offers the most direct and
cost-effective route to geostationary orbit. With the advantage of a launch site on the Equator, the reliable
Zenit-3SL rocket can lift a heavier spacecraft mass or provide longer life on orbit, offering best value plus
schedule assurance. For additional information and images of this mission, please visit the Sea Launch website