Satellite Coverage Announced

The Odyssey Launch Platform
and the Sea Launch Commander have arrived at the launch site on the Equator at
154 degrees West Longitude. The Sea Launch team is now preparing for launch
of PanAmSat’s Galaxy IIIC satellite on June 15, in a launch
window that opens at 3:39:30 pm PDT (10:39:30 pm GMT).

The platform is now ballasting to its launch depth — approximately
65 feet — in preparation for launch. The resulting low-profile platform
provides a stable environment for both marine and launch operations. The Sea
Launch Commander (Assembly and Command Ship) is now stationed alongside the
Odyssey and will be connected to the platform by a link bridge during launch
preparations. Prior to launch, the link bridge will retract and the ship will
move to a position three miles from the platform. All marine crew and launch
personnel will be aboard the ship throughout launch operations.

The Sea Launch rocket will lift the 10,692 lb. (4850 kg) Galaxy IIIC
spacecraft to Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit. In its final orbital position,
the satellite will be stationed at 95 degrees West Longitude, in Geostationary
Orbit. Built by Boeing Satellite Systems for a 15-year lifespan, the
702 model Galaxy IIIC will provide Internet, video, audio and data services to
areas of the United States and Latin America.

Sea Launch will provide a live satellite broadcast and webcast of the
Galaxy IIIC mission on June 15, beginning at 3:20 pm PDT. The launch program,
featuring live video from the Equator as well as commentary and interviews,
may be downlinked from the following transponders:

  • United States – Galaxy-3 Ku band/18 Analogue, 12050.0 – Horizontal
  • Europe/Latin America – PAS-9/8C band Digital MCPC, 3840.0 –
    Horizontal, Symbol Rate – 27.69, FEC 7/8, Virtual Channel – 7,
    Network ID – 5002

  • Asia Pacific – PAS-2/8C band Digital MCPC, 3901.0 – Horizontal,
    Symbol Rate – 30.8, FEC 3/4, Virtual Channel – 4, Network ID – 1

A live webcast will stream at: and at: . The media is invited to visit a special media-specific
site for additional information and high-resolution images at:

Sea Launch Company, LLC, based in Long Beach, Calif., provides reliable,
cost effective, heavy lift launch services for commercial satellite customers.
The international partners include the Boeing Commercial Space Company (U.S.),
Kvaerner (Norway), RSC Energia (Russia) and SDO Yuzhnoye/PO Yuzhmash
(Ukraine). The world’s only system launching from the Equator, Sea Launch
offers the optimal starting point for spacecraft heading to Geostationary
Orbit. For additional information and images, visit the Sea Launch website
at: .