As of now SCISYS Deutschland GmbH is developing two new security relevant elements for the Galileo Security Facility (GSF) in the Ground Segment of the European satellite navigation system Galileo. Following an initial order in December 2018 SCISYS now received the full contract from Thales Alenia Space France.

SCISYS is responsible for the so-called GSMC-U (Galileo Security Monitoring Centre) which centrally manages security features, and the POCP-U (Point of Contact Platform), which is implemented locally as a counterpart in each country using a Public Regulated Service (PRS). Each POCP-U serves as an interface to the Galileo Security Monitoring Centre (GSMC) at the national level of the member states.

The development of security mechanisms is essential for the GSMC, which is primarily responsible for security monitoring and the administration of PRS, a specially protected and encrypted navigation signal for official authorities. The focus is on identifying and eliminating security threats and alerts as well as monitoring of the various system components. In addition, the GSMC ensures that sensitive information for the PRS is adequately managed and protected. The Galileo Security Monitoring Centre is an interface to the Galileo core components and the countries using PRS. One of its main tasks is the exchange of cryptographic keys and Galileo navigation signals.

Thales Alenia Space is the prime contractor for the Galileo Security Facility. The long-lasting and close partnership of SCISYS and the French space company can be described as a success story for the development of the Galileo Ground Segment. The current contract for the two GSF elements once more underlines the efficiency and competence of the SCISYS experts.

Funded by the EU. ESA has received funds in its quality as funding body under a Working Arrangement with GSA. The view expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union, the European GNSS Agency and/or the European Space Agency. Neither the European Union, the European GNSS Agency nor the European Space Agency shall be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

SCISYS Deutschland GmbH is part of the international SCISYS Group with around 670 employees and serves a broad spectrum of market segments, including media & broadcast, space and defence in the public and commercial sectors. In the space sector, SCISYS is established as a software specialist and ground segment system house. Its long-standing customers in the space domain include space agencies, satellite operators, system integrators, research institutes and international aerospace organisations and companies, including OHB System AG, Thales Alenia Space and Airbus. SCISYS supports the planning, construction and long-term operation of spacecraft missions and participates in research projects and the realisation of future-oriented space applications. 

SCISYS SPACE divison is one of the leading providers of integrated ICT solutions for the ground segment, specialising in control centres, monitoring & control systems, data processing, intelligent systems, data services and integrated applications. The company also develops onboard software for satellites.

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