From simulations of tiny molecular structures to visions of supernovae
millions of times bigger than Earth, NASA computer scientists will
demonstrate supercomputing tools and innovations at an upcoming conference
in Dallas.

Visitors can view these futuristic feats and virtual worlds, as well as
other supercomputer advancements at NASA’s exhibit during the SC2000 High
Performance Computing Conference, Nov. 4 -10 at the Dallas Convention

“High-performance computing and networking are critical to NASA’s quest to
expand frontiers on the Earth, in the air and in space,” said Dr. Eugene
Tu, manager for NASA’s High Performance Computing and Communications
program at NASA’s Ames Research Center, located in California’s Silicon
Valley. “From improving our understanding of observational Earth and space
data, to incredible computational models of revolutionary aerospace
vehicles, our planet, and even distant stars, high performance computing is
absolutely critical to advancing our knowledge.”

The 50-by-50 ft. NASA exhibit will showcase more than 30 supercomputing
demonstrations for an expected 5,000 visitors. Scientists and engineers
from Ames and four other NASA centers will demonstrate and explain their
latest computer simulations. They range from medical and geographical
imaging, to advanced human-machine interfaces, aerospace vehicles,
supernovae and new learning technologies. A variety of
collaborative-environment technologies that allow scientists and engineers
to develop new procedures and improve existing ones also will be on display.

One demonstration will show how NASA Ames scientists used supercomputer
simulations to help improve the NASA/DeBakey miniature heart assist pump,
leading to human trials with patients awaiting heart transplants. The
experts suggested improvements after simulating blood flow through the pump
using a NASA computer that normally models airflow around aircraft.

“Travelwulf,” a five-processor supercomputer that fits within a suitcase,
will be on display to illustrate a system that scientists without extensive
computer experience can use to develop complex simulations and data
processing. Under development by Clemson University, Clemson, SC,
Travelwulf is part of the “Beowulf” system of remote sensing. NASA’s
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, and its partners are developing
Beowulf to help scientists analyze an immense amount of Earth satellite
images, and other data.

More efficient analysis of Earth science data will help researchers better
understand problems related to ocean-atmosphere interactions, the weather
and environmental changes.

“These problems typically exceed the capabilities of traditional computer
workstations. In the past, these studies have required expensive
supercomputers to process data and execute simulation models,” said Walt
Ligon, who leads Beowulf efforts at Clemson University. “Beowulf systems
have made high-performance computing power affordable for individual
science teams.”

Also on display will be a simulation of an aircraft engine combustor with a
design that will reduce nitrogen-oxide emissions by 50 percent initially,
according to engineers. They expect engines with this technology to enter
service by 2002. The simulation tool is part of the national combustor
code, a joint government-industry effort. NASA Glenn Research Center,
Cleveland, is presenting this simulation.

Complete exhibit information and links to related materials are available
at the SC2000 High Performance Networking and Computing Conference website

NASA’s SC2000 website includes high resolution images, and is located at: