U.S. House Science Committee Ranking Member Rep. Bart Gordon (TN) and Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee Ranking Member Rep. Mark Udall (CO) today praised the NASA crew, scientists and support staff on a successful return to flight with the Space Shuttle Discovery.

“Seems the second time’s the charm today,” said Rep. Gordon.  “Our prayers are with Commander Collins and her crew these next 12 days as they work to complete their mission and return home safely.”

“What we learn on this mission will help us to better address future challenges and make future space flights safer.  This tireless team of NASA engineers, scientists and support staff deserve our congratulations,” added Rep. Gordon.

“The successful launch of the Discovery Space Shuttle is an event NASA and the American people should feel proud of.  Returning to flight will allow the space program to move forward with servicing Hubble, completing the International Space Station, and advance the return of humans to the moon and beyond,” concluded Rep. Udall.  “I congratulate all those who have worked to return Americans to space.”

The House Science Committee maintains jurisdiction over NASA and has closely monitored activities in preparation for today’s historic event.  NASA Administrator Dr. Mike Griffin testified before Committee Members recently and reiterated NASA’s readiness to resume shuttle flights.