Today, the House passed the America Creating Opportunities for Manufacturing, Pre-Eminence in Technology and Economic Strength Act of 2022. The America COMPETES Act makes historic investments to surge production of American-made semiconductors, tackles supply chain vulnerabilities to make more goods in America, bolsters America’s scientific research and technological leadership, and strengthens America’s economic and national security at home and abroad. The America COMPETES Act of 2022 includes transformative, bipartisan legislation from the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology.
“Today, we took a leap forward in securing our Nation’s ability to compete and uphold our leadership in science and technology,” said Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX). “As Chairwoman of the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, I am especially proud of our strong bipartisan bills included in this package. I often refer to this committee as the committee of the future. It is in that spirit that we approached this legislation, to usher in a bold and prosperous future for American competitiveness.”
“The passage of the America COMPETES Act represents renewed enthusiasm in Congress for federal scientific investment, which will set our country up for success,” said Representative Zoe Lofgren (D-CA). “By increasing the speed and scale of scientific R&D building on successful prior efforts, America can reaffirm its global leadership in innovation and technology. The legislation includes vital provisions to diversify our workforce, strengthen American manufacturing, energize research in critical areas such as fusion energy and quantum information sciences, and strengthen leadership in semiconductor research and fabrication. In short, this bill provides a chance for American workers and businesses to compete and win on the world stage.”
“Our country is home to some of the most cutting-edge research, innovative discoveries, and unparalleled national laboratories in the world,” said Representative Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR). “Unfortunately, in some ways we have fallen behind competitors in the past several decades. With the America COMPETES Act, we will strengthen our scientific enterprise, bolster research and development, grow our domestic semiconductor manufacturing base, and take steps to address the climate crisis. This legislation will make a meaningful difference in the lives of Oregonians. It will strengthen the semiconductor industry, which employs tens of thousands of workers in NW Oregon. It will create good-paying jobs and pathways for workers to enter them. It will also improve our supply chains, fixing many of the weaknesses exposed by the pandemic so we do not again face the same shortages and disruptions to our economy.”

“The COMPETES Act reinforces the United States’ role as the undisputed 21st ce
ntury leader in innovation, technology, and production, while leveling the playing field to allow more American workers and businesses to compete and succeed in the global economy,” said Representative Ami Bera (D-CA). “Science and technology are the global currency of our modern era, making this legislation a critical path towards the future with our scientists and innovators leading the way.”
“The legislation we passed today – the America COMPETES Act –secures our competitive edge for generations to come,” said Representative Haley Stevens (D-MI). “This bill is an investment in the American people – it reflects our ability to reach higher, think deeper, and invent solutions to not only today’s problems, but tomorrow’s problems as well. The tools of the future are in this bill. The COMPETES Act turbocharges America’s leadership in science and tech and strengthens our economic security. Even more, this bold investment in innovation includes funding to address the climate crisis head on and will work to return semiconductor manufacturing back to the United States. Let’s get this bill to President Biden’s desk!” 
“New Jersey needs clean, reliable electricity,” said Representative Mikie Sherrill (D-NJ). “To this end, I am proud to see a provision I fought for in this bill that would fund research for rooftop solar and reliable grid tech. We need to support energy innovation at home, not buy from China, to give Americans the affordable, renewable energy of tomorrow. And, with that in mind, this bill’s critical investments in long-duration energy storage technology will help us develop new and better ways to increase grid resiliency and reliability so we have less of the power outages North Jersey has come to expect. I am glad to see this bill pass the House today.”
“New Mexicans are at the forefront of science and technology—which is why I am so proud that the America COMPETES Act, of which I am a proud cosponsor, invests in our workforce and STEM economy from the ground up,” said RepresentativeMelanie Stansbury (D-NM). “I’m proud to have worked with Senator Luján, one of New Mexico’s science and technology champions, to secure key amendments to help facilitate technology transfer from our National Labs to unlock innovations that will grow our economy and help tackle our biggest challenges in climate and clean energy. I am also honored to have worked with my colleagues on the Science, Space and Technology Committee to help craft this game-changing legislation.”
“The America COMPETES Act will set us on a strong path to compete globally in innovation and technology,” said Representative Brad Sherman (D-CA). “I’m proud to co-sponsor this transformative and bipartisan House Science Committee legislation and look forward to working with my colleagues to pass this package.” 
“The America COMPETES Act is a commitment to reinvest in and refocus on U.S. leadership in science, innovation, and competitiveness,” said Representative Ed Perlmutter (D-CO). “These investments are critically needed and will set us on a strong path to compete globally in innovation and technology for decades to come.”
“I was proud to vote for the America COMPETES Act – a historic investment in our nation’s economic future and our position as the world’s leader for science, technology, and innovation,” said Representative Bill Foster (D-IL). “This is an opportunity to strengthen our STEM workforce, reinforce our national security, enhance our semiconductor manufacturing capabilities, and provide America’s national labs with the resources they need to maintain our world-class scientific infrastructure. As a scientist who spent 24 years working at one of our national labs, I know how important these investments will be to our scientists and their capacity for research, development, and innovation. I’m looking forward to working with my colleagues in the House and Senate to bring this legislation to President Biden’s desk.”
“I am proud to support this bipartisan legislation that will bring jobs back to the United States and address critical shortages in our supply chain,” said Representative Donald Norcross (D-NJ). “As a 40-year veteran of the labor movement, I am particularly proud to secure Davis-Bacon prevailing wage protections across large swaths of the bill, ensuring Americans receive fair pay for their work and that federal contractor aren’t undercutting local wages. The America COMPETES Act will create a path toward long-term competitiveness on the international stage, helping to ensure American workers have opportunities and American-made goods have markets.”
“The America COMPETES Act is vital job creation legislation that will boost American research and development, innovation, technology, and manufacturing, strengthen our supply chains, and help American businesses compete on the world stage,” said Representative Don Beyer (D-VA). “I’m proud to have helped craft provisions in this bill, including an amendment I co-led to boost funding for fusion energy research, as well as my legislation to improve and secure the federal government’s data analysis capabilities. The bill which just passed in the House is superb, and I look forward to working with the Senate to get a final version to President Biden’s desk.”
“To combat inflation and cut rising prices for millions of Floridians, we need to stop relying on China and global supply chains that are vulnerable to delays and disruptions – like a global pandemic,” said Representative Charlie Crist (D-FL). “The America COMPETES Act is a game changer for American manufacturing and innovation, so we can make more of the things we need right here at home and use American workers to do it. I proudly support this legislation championed by President Biden and congressional Democrats to keep our shelves stocked and prices low. Make American! Buy American!”
“This is another win for western Pennsylvania,” said Representative Conor Lamb (D-PA). “Federal dollars will flow here and create jobs once this becomes law. By investing in low-carbon steel
, strengthening our supply chains, and supporting cutting-edge science, we can greatly improve America’s global competitiveness.”
“Our nation has long been a global leader in science and technology, propelled by companies and universities like those in my district that perform cutting-edge research every day,” said Representative Deborah Ross (D-NC). “At a time when America faces unprecedented international competition, the America COMPETES Act will reinforce our nation’s global leadership in science, technology, and innovation. With this legislation, we will tackle some of the most pressing challenges we face by investing in American manufacturing, supporting the next generation of STEM leaders, and advancing clean energy technology. I’m excited that this package includes several of my bills and amendments that will support our growing and diverse STEM workforce, bolster our nation’s cybersecurity, advance a national science strategy, and more. I thank Chairwoman Johnson for her decades of leadership that have led us to this historic moment. I look forward to continue working with my colleagues in the Senate to ensure this legislation is signed into law.” 
“The COMPETES Act is vital to addressing urgent, pressing issues such as supply change disruptions and semiconductor shortages and building for the future with investments in research and innovation,” said Representative Gwen Moore (D-WI). “My colleagues and I on the Science, Space, and Technology Committee made important contributions to the COMPETES Act, including by supporting cutting-edge STEM research.”
“By addressing supply chain issues and bringing back critical manufacturing to the United States, we can fight inflation and lower costs for Michigan families,” said Representative Dan Kildee (D-MI). “The pandemic has exposed deep weaknesses in our supply chains that have increasingly relied on foreign manufacturing, instead of making goods in Michigan with American workers. This bill will help fix our broken supply chains so that we build more critical components—like semiconductors—here in America, not overseas in China.”
“The America COMPETES Act builds on our country’s extraordinary promise to lead in technology and innovation,” said Representative Susan Wild (D-PA). “The need to secure our supply chains and rebuild a Made-in-America economy couldn’t be clearer, and I’m incredibly proud to see the America COMPETES Act pass with my bipartisan provisions. Together, we are investing in a future powered by American workers, scientists, and entrepreneurs.”
“The United States has long been a beacon for excellence in science, technology, and engineering, and so much of that pioneering work is done in our community in Houston,” said Representative Lizzie Fletcher (D-TX). “The America COMPETES Act will boost our national investment in research and innovation right here at home and ensure our continued leadership in the world. It makes important investments to increase domestic production of semiconductor chips, strengthen American manufacturing, increase grid resiliency, and strengthen our supply chains. I was glad to work on many of its provisions as a member of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, and to cast my vote for this bipartisan bill in the House today.”