Today the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) satellite mission GOES-T, a collaborative acquisition, development, and launch partnership with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), was successfully launched from the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida. GOES-T is the latest in the Geostationary Operational Environmental (GOES) -R series of satellites, a cutting-edge weather observing and environmental monitoring system for the Western hemisphere. Once arriving in geostationary orbit the satellite will provide atmospheric measurements and mapping imagery. This includes real-time lightning activity tracking, a new development to the GOES-R series. Tracking fog, low cloud, and air turbulence will further assist the transportation sector.  
“As the most advanced weather observing and environmental monitoring system, the GOES-R satellite series is crucial to keeping Americans safe,” said Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX). “Today we celebrate the successful launch of the newest GOES satellite, NOAA’s GOES-T – a provider of critical continuous observations and monitoring essential to mitigating the risks of extreme weather exacerbated by climate change. Data from GOES-T will help forecasters focus on intensifying storm conditions before they produce damaging winds, hail, and tornadoes – providing Americans more accurate and timely weather forecasts. I applaud NOAA and NASA on a successful launch and continued partnership.” 
“NOAA’s GOES-T satellite will provide the latest advancements in Earth observations necessary for accurate and timely weather forecasts,” said Chairwoman Mikie Sherrill (D-NJ) of the Subcommittee on Environment. “The GOES-R series of satellites provides critical monitoring of space weather and collects real-time imagery and atmospheric measurements to improve our forecasting of severe storm events. These satellite observations will help NOAA provide increasingly accurate predictions of flooding and extreme weather events, including extreme precipitation and hurricanes, that impact residents in New Jersey and throughout the United States. I want to extend my congratulations on this successful launch to the teams at both NOAA and NASA as the GOES-T satellite will have a broad impact on the lives and safety of all Americans.”
“Congratulations to NOAA, NASA, and the launch provider, ULA, on a successful launch of GOES-T, which will ensure continuity of space-based weather observations, which are essential to a variety of activities that help protect life here on Earth, including severe-storm forecasting, tracking wildland fires and their impacts, warning of space weather hazards, and monitoring of air quality,” said Chairman Don Beyer (D-VA) of the Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics. “The GOES program is also a great example of what we can accomplish through interagency cooperation with NASA supporting NOAA by overseeing spacecraft and instrument acquisition and providing launch services. I applaud NASA and NOAA for their continued partnership on the GOES program.”