EO Satellite Manufacturing, Commercial Data and Value Added Services to Generate $6.2 Billion in 2018, According to NSR

According to NSR’s new report, “Global Satellite-Based Earth Observation (EO),” the EO industry is in the midst of a significant growth phase slated to generate revenues for many segments of the satellite industry. With an expected increase in the total number of players (government and commercial), advancements in technology, both in sensors and image processing, and a greater political will by governments to embrace EO, the future holds much promise for this market.

NSR estimates that more than 180 new EO satellites will be launched by both government and commercial operators in the next decade. The commercial EO data market is expected to grow more than twice from its current level to reach US$2.2 billion in 2018, while EO Value Added Services (VAS) are projected to reach US$2.3 billion in 2018. NSR expects the high resolution optical imagery market will remain strong, but lower cost mid-resolution imagery will grow at a faster rate.

“EO players today are concentrating mostly on scarce government contracts with high resolution data and timely delivery,” said Christopher Baugh President of NSR. “But the expected increase in the number of commercial operators and service providers will augment the array of available applications and will lead to reduction in costs for customers as more of them start using EO data. To counterbalance free or low cost government data solutions, commercial operators must adapt and change their business model by maintaining a balanced portfolio and expanding their service offerings by providing complete geo-information solutions to meet new and unmet demand,” he added.

EO programs and applications have attracted wide attention through homeland and food security, environmental and climate change programs, as well as through the emergence of free web portals featuring powerful satellite imagery. The largest EO data clients are still governments, which represent more than 50% of total sales of satellite operators, but there are prime industrial users in the energy and agricultural sectors. Looking into the future, NSR expects the most promising applications to be in the areas of environmental monitoring, land management, natural disaster response, insurance and real estate, and tourism.

The associated expected increase in the number of satellites in-orbit will boost satellite manufacturing revenues, which are forecast to reach $1.7 billion in 2018, buoyed by the rising tide of demand from developing countries like Vietnam, Malaysia, Kazakhstan, and South Africa. However, NSR expects spacecraft to become somewhat commoditized as lower cost mini- and small-EO satellites are launched.

About the Report

“Global Satellite-Based Earth Observation” is a multi-client report now available from NSR. The report provides updated data to evaluate the EO market around the world while giving proper attention to drivers, restraints and trends to all regional and vertical markets. All potential market segments in the supply and the demand side of the EO business have been sized while giving attention to the emerging trends. For additional information on this report, including a full table of contents, list of exhibits and executive summary, please visit www.nsr.com or call NSR at +1-616-576-5771.

About NSR

NSR is an international market research and consulting firm specializing in satellite and wireless technology and applications. NSR’s primary areas of expertise include emerging technology, IP applications, and broadcast services. With extensive expertise in all regions and a number of telecom sectors, NSR is a leading provider of in-depth market insight and analyses.