SpaceDev and Wireless Future to Develop MST-21TM Low Cost
Miniature STDN S-Band Transponder for Space Missions

Lightweight Transponder to be Compatible with NASA STDN and
Commercial Ground Stations

(Poway, California – March 27, 2000) – SpaceDev (OTCBB:
SPDVE) and Wireless Future, Inc. announced today that they will
jointly develop and market a next-generation, miniaturized, low-cost
STDN-compatible transponder (the MST-21TM), for use on
government and commercial lunar and earth-orbiting missions. The
first MST-21 will fly on the CHIPSat spacecraft currently under
development by SpaceDev for the University of California Berkeley.
CHIPSat is scheduled for launch in the spring of 2002 from Cape
Canaveral on a Boeing (NYSE: BA) Delta-II launch vehicle. The
MST-21 can also be used for a variety of other missions, including
SpaceDev’s proposed live, streaming video lunar entertainment and
science orbiter, and for its planned commercial near-earth asteroid
exploration mission.

The MST-21 is intended for usage in typical Telemetry, Tracking
and Control operations of orbiting satellites, and is configured for
digital applications up to 1.5 Mbps. The transmitter section uses
linear phase modulation allowing users to receive proprietary
baseband waveforms. This important feature gives the MST-21
unparalleled flexibility in space-based applications.

The MST-21 is designed to operate over a wide range of supply
voltages, provides coherent receiver-to-transmitter operation upon
command, and incorporates coherent ranging capability to allow for
precision navigation. Specified by SpaceDev to be fully compatible
with NASA’s worldwide Space Tracking and Data Network (STDN),
and with commercial ground station providers with STDN capability,
the MST-21 weighs just under 1 kg, and measures only 17 x 11 x 5
cm (about 7 x 4 x 2 inches). With an efficient 30% solid state
power amplifier (SSPA), the MST-21 incorporates commandable
power output settings, ensuring its flexibility to accommodate
variable link conditions and to support a wide variety of earth-orbit
and near-earth missions. Testing will be performed to ensure
compatibility with a range of launch vehicle and space thermal and
radiation environments.

Speaking of this new agreement, Theo Maxey, President and CTO
of Wireless Future, Inc. said, “Humankind has evolved into an
informed and mobile creature, depending on diverse, instant
communications. Affordable connectivity through space-based
hardware is a logical step in our evolution. Together with SpaceDev,
Wireless Future is establishing the new paradigm for affordable
access to space communications through this first in a series of

“The demand for more affordable and capable space
communications products cannot be overstated,” added Stan
Dubyn, President and Chief Operating Officer of SpaceDev. “We’re
excited to jointly develop and market the MST-21 with Wireless
Future. This product will help to further unlock access to space for
science, technology, civil, and commercial missions, with
worldwide accessibility, NASA STDN compatibility, and

About SpaceDev

SpaceDev offers low-cost commercial missions and spacecraft for
lunar orbiters, Mars orbiters and probe carriers, and asteroid
rendezvous and landers for sale as turnkey, fixed price,
commercial products, a first for the space industry. Also a first,
SpaceDev offers fixed-price package delivery for science
instruments and technology demonstrations into earth orbit, deep
space and to other planetary bodies. SpaceDev designs and sells
small, low-cost Earth-orbiting commercial or research satellites.
SpaceDev has recently designed inexpensive orbital transfer
vehicles, and secondary payload micro-kick motors for the Air
Force. SpaceDev has acquired hybrid sounding rocket, motor, and
launch vehicle designs, and intellectual property rights produced by
the former American Rocket Company (AMROC).

Established in 1997, SpaceDev ( is the world’s
first commercial space exploration and development company.
SpaceDev’s corporate offices are located near San Diego in Poway,
Calif. SpaceDev and The Boeing Company (NYSE: BA), the world’s
largest aerospace company, recently announced that they have
teamed together to investigate opportunities of mutual strategic
interest in the commercial deep-space arena.

Forward-Looking Statements. The foregoing press release
includes numerous forward-looking statements concerning the
company’s business and future prospects and other similar
statements that do not concern matters of historical fact. Forward-
looking statements in this press release relating to product
development, business prospects and development of a
commercial market for technological advances are based on the
company’s current expectations. The company’s current
expectations are subject to all of the uncertainties and risks
customarily associated with new business ventures including, but
not limited to, market conditions, successful product development
and acceptance, competition and overall economic conditions, as
well as the risk of adverse regulatory actions. The company’s
actual results may differ materially from current expectations.
Readers are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking
statements. The company disclaims any intent or obligation to
update publicly these forward-looking statements, whether as a
result of new information, future events or for any other reason.

For more information: Jim Benson, 858-375-2020