Lockheed Martin today announced its sponsorship of “Roving Mars,” a Walt Disney Pictures film that will begin showing exclusively in IMAX theaters around the country Jan. 27, 2006. The World Premiere of “Roving Mars” will take place Jan. 26, 2006, at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C.

“Roving Mars” follows the journey of Steve Squyres, lead science investigator for the Mars Exploration Rovers and the NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory team responsible for building and launching the rovers and directing their investigation of the martian surface. It takes viewers on an historic voyage of exploration of the “Red Planet,” with a compelling look at challenges and triumphs along the way.

“Lockheed Martin is enormously pleased to sponsor ‘Roving Mars’ because we believe that exploration speaks to the fundamental human desire to understand the nature of our Universe and inspires our finest efforts,” said G. Thomas Marsh, executive vice president of Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company. “Walt Disney himself was a true visionary who presented the wonders of space exploration to the American public years before the first satellite was even launched. We are proud to be working with the company he created to bring this film to the next generation of explorers.”

“Roving Mars” continues the corporation’s dedication to the goal of educating and inspiring people of all ages about the fantastic wonders and relevance of the last great frontier — outer space. Beginning in 1985 with “The Dream is Alive” and followed by “The Blue Planet,” “Destiny in Space,” “Mission to Mir,” “Space Station 3D” and “Magnificent Desolation — Walking on the Moon 3D,” Lockheed Martin and its film partners have employed large format films to enlighten, educate and inspire more than 100 million viewers.

Lockheed Martin, in partnership with NASA, has been engaged in the exploration of Mars for more than 40 years. Among the many missions in which Lockheed Martin has played a significant role are these milestones in Mars exploration: Launched the first Mars flyby of Mariner 4 in 1964. Built the Viking landers in 1976. Provided aeroshells and heatshields that protected the Mars rovers. Designed, built and operates the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter that will arrive at Mars this March.

Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin Corporation employs about 135,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture and integration of advanced technology systems, products and services. The corporation reported 2004 sales of $35.5 billion.

Media Contact: Buddy Nelson, (510) 797-0349; e-mail, buddynelson@mac.com, Pager: 1-888-916-1797

For additional information, visit our website: http://www.lockheedmartin.com