Oklahoma City, OK, September 28, 2006 – Rocketplane Kistler (RpK) and Andrews Space, Inc. (Andrews) announced today that they have entered into a strategic relationship to support the NASA Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS) program and other applications of RpK’s innovative space transportation system.

Andrews will join the RpK industrial contractor team with supporting responsibility for systems engineering and integration and safety & mission assurance. In addition, David Little, Andrews Sr. Vice President, will lead the Andrews effort as Deputy Program Manager for the K-1 Program. As part of this agreement, Andrews also plans to make a strategic investment in RpK.

Rocketplane Kistler and its K-1 space transportation system were awarded one of two Space Act Agreements under the NASA COTS program. RpK will use its fully reusable K-1 to provide cost-effective and reliable delivery and return of cargo and science payloads to and from the International Space Station. The K-1 is in an advanced stage of development and will be capable of providing end-to-end ISS servicing beginning as early as 2009.

Commenting on the strategic alliance, Mr. Randy Brinkley, President of RpK, stated, “We are very pleased that Andrews Space has joined the RpK team as a key strategic partner and principal contractor in the K-1 development program. Andrews brings a very talented technical team with a wealth of experience and expertise on the K-1 and a very solid track record in system integration of space-based programs. We have the greatest respect for Andrews, and I certainly look forward to their participation on the RpK program team. Having worked extensively with Dave Little, I have total confidence that he and the Andrews teammates will have an immediate and very positive long-term impact on the K-1 program.”

Mr. Jason Andrews, President of Andrews, said, “With the establishment of our new partnership with Rocketplane Kistler, we are excited to have the opportunity to join a program that could revolutionize space launch services. Having studied the substantial amount of work that has been accomplished on the K-1 program and the planning that is already in place, we are convinced that it can be operational in a relatively short period of time. We are committing top management and engineering resources to ensure K-1 mission success for NASA’s COTS program. In addition, we will leverage existing industry relationships for the purpose of additional teaming and work-share arrangements.” Mr. David Little, Andrews’ Sr. Vice President, said, “Andrews is committed to maintaining

Mr. David Little, Andrews’ Sr. Vice President, said, “Andrews is committed to maintaining its entrepreneurial focus while leveraging its existing systems engineering and integration capabilities to complete the K-1 program.”

About Andrews Space, Inc.

Andrews Space, Inc. was founded in 1999 to be a catalyst in the commercialization and development of space. The company is an affordable integrator of aerospace systems and developer of advanced space technologies. More information about Andrews Space can be found at www.andrews-space.com.

About Rocketplane Kistler

Rocketplane Kistler (RpK) brings together two industry-leading makers and future operators of the next-generation orbital and suborbital space transportation vehicles. RpK was formed when Kistler Aerospace Corporation and Rocketplane Limited, Inc. were brought under common ownership. RpK markets the services of the fully reusable, two-stage Kistler K-1 orbital launch vehicle and the fully reusable, suborbital Rocketplane® XP Spaceplane, both of which will be first to fly in their respective markets. For more information, please visit the website: www.kistleraerospace.com.