Current Satellite Industry Association
(SIA) President Richard DalBello has been named the President of the
Satellite Broadcasting and Communications Association (SBCA) effective
March 30, 2004. DalBello has served as the SIA President for the last
three years. In this position he has been the principal advocate for
satellite manufacturers, operators and ground equipment suppliers for
regulatory and public policy issues.

Commenting on the new appointment, David Moskowitz, general counsel of
Echostar Communications and current SBCA chairman, said, “As a result of
Richard’s past experience in the public and private sectors he has an
unmatched appreciation for the complexity of the issues affecting our
industry. Richard has also demonstrated the ability to lead and build
consensus in an environment often characterized by rapid change and
strongly-held opinions. I am confident that Richard possesses the
skills, energy and enthusiasm to be our industry’s chief advocate.”

“The SBCA job is an extraordinary opportunity and a unique challenge,”
commented DalBello. “Issues such as the reauthorization of the Satellite
Home Viewer Improvement Act (SHVIA), which is currently before the
Congress, and the increasing problem of local taxation, will provide us
with great opportunities to reinvigorate the SBCA and to expand our
membership in the coming months. I look forward to leading an industry
that has committed itself to providing competition and choice for
consumers throughout the United States regardless of location or

DalBello, 50, joined SIA in August 2001, with over 20 years experience
in the space and communication fields. Prior to joining SIA, Richard
was the General Counsel of Spotcast Communications. Before Spotcast,
Richard was Vice President of Government Affairs, North America, for ICO
Global Communications, a global provider of mobile satellite
communications services. Before joining ICO, Richard served as the
Assistant Director for Aeronautics and Space in the White House Office
of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP). As assistant director, Richard
played a lead role in the Administration’s efforts to increase
competition in the international satellite industry, develop next
generation launch technologies, and to encourage the commercial use of
the Global Positioning System. Prior to joining the White House,
Richard held senior positions at NASA and the Department of Commerce.

The Satellite Broadcasting and Communications Association is the
national trade organization representing all segments of the satellite
industry. It is committed to expanding the utilization of satellite
technology for the broadcast delivery of video, audio, data, music,
voice, interactive, and broadband services. The SBCA is composed of
DBS, C-band, broadband, satellite radio, and other satellite service
providers, content providers, equipment manufacturers, distributors,
retailers, encryption vendors, and national and regional distribution
companies that make up the satellite services industry. Additional
information can be found at