Dwayne Brown/Renee Juhans

Headquarters, Washington, DC

(Phone: 202/358-1726/358-1712)

George Diller

Kennedy Space Center , FL

(Phone: 321/867-2468)


Experts in the fields of biology, chemistry, physics and
general science and engineering will discuss near- and long-term
research on the International Space Station Tuesday, July 25, 2000
, at 3:30 pm. EDT at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center press site

In anticipation of the Zvezda docking later that evening, the
researchers will discuss and answer questions on how the
International Space Station will represent an unprecedented state-
of-the-art laboratory complex in orbit, that will lead to research
results in medicine, materials and fundamental science that will
benefit people all over the world.

Participants will include:

Dr. Julie Swain ,
(Acting) Associate Administrator for Life and Microgravity
Washington, DC and Professor of Cardiovascular Surgery,
University of Kentucky

Dr. Mary Musgrave,
Professor of Plant Pathology and Physiology,
Louisiana State University

Dr. Milburn Jessup,
Professor of Surgery,
University of Texas Health Science Center

Dr. Kathy Clark,
International Space Station Senior Scientist,
Washington, DC

Dr. Ron Sega,
College of Engineering and Applied Science
University of Colorado

The International Space Station is the largest and most
complex international scientific project in history. Led by the
United States, the International Space Station draws upon the
scientific and technological resources of 16 nations.

The press briefing will be carried live on NASA TV with two-
way question-and-answer capability for reporters covering the
event from participating NASA centers. NASA Television is
broadcast on the GE2 satellite which is located on Transponder
9C, at 85 degrees West longitude, frequency 3880.0 Mhz, audio 6.8
MHz. Audio of the broadcast will be available on voice circuit at
the Kennedy Space Center on 321/867-1220.
