On Feb. 8 at 2 p.m., Center Director Roy Bridges and Florida’s Lt. Gov. Frank T. Brogan will break ground to kick off a new research laboratory construction project that will serve KSC and the State through the new millennium. The site is actually the location of the start of a new road, Space Commerce Way, that will provide 24-hour access through KSC and a proposed Space Commerce Park to the Visitor Complex. The groundbreaking is for this road as well as the Space Experiment Research and Processing Laboratory (SERPL).
The SERPL will be a world-class laboratory for experiment processing and biological and life sciences research for the International Space Station. In partnership with the Spaceport Florida Authority and other State agencies, NASA is designing the facility and the State will fund and perform construction. Plans are for the completed SERPL to be co-managed by NASA and the Florida Space Research Institute, using the University of Florida as its lead academic institution. Construction is expected to be completed in 2003.
Bridges, Brogan and invited guests such as Joseph Rothenberg, associate administrator, Office of Spaceflight, NASA; Florida representative Randy Ball; Dr. Pamella J. Dana, director of Office of Tourism, Trade and Economic Development, and Dr. Samuel T. Durrance, executive director of Florida Space Research Institute, will be bused from the Dr. Kurt H. Debus Conference Facility at the KSC Visitor Complex to the groundbreaking site on S.R. 3. Bridges and Brogan are expected to comment on the plans for SERPL.
Media who wish to take part in this photo opportunity should be at the Debus Conference Facility by 1 p.m. for transport to the groundbreaking. They will be bused back to the Debus Facility afterward where they will be able to interview key participants. A reception follows.