Dear Colleagues

Due to unforeseen schedule conflicts with April 9th-11th we have had
to change the dates for the Third Landing Site Workshop for the Mars
2003 Mars Exploration Rovers. The new dates are March 26-28th, 2002
in Pasadena. We apologize at any problems this change will cause and
hope that if you are unable to attend the meeting during these dates
that you will provide your input to colleagues that will be in

The purpose of the Workshop will be to hear summaries of the ongoing
analysis of the sites remaining under consideration and to provide the
opportunity to fully discuss their suitability in terms of safety and
science potential. The objective of the workshop is to make a
recommendation to the MER Project and Project Science Group regarding the
science and safety prioritization of the sites. The meeting venue and program
will be finalized in 2002.

Continued input from the science community is critical to identifying the
optimal landing sites for the MERs. We look forward to your involvement in
this process and hope to see you in April!


John Grant and Matt Golombek

Co-Chairs, Mars Landing Site Steering Committee

John Grant

Center for Earth and Planetary Studies

National Air and Space Museum

Smithsonian Institution

Independence Avenue at 6th Street SW

Washington, DC 20560-0315

202-357-1494 (Voice)

202-786-2566 (Fax)