Express Human Space Exploration’s Importance to Economy, National Security, and Technology and Innovation

Washington, D.C. – Representatives Sandy Adams (FL-24) and Pete Olson (TX-22) released the following statement today after sending a letter to Republican Budget Chairman Paul Ryan asking him to make human space exploration a top priority as Congress moves forward in its budget debates. In the letter to Chairman Ryan, Adams and Olson highlight human space exploration’s critical contribution to our nation’s national security, and its importance as an economic driver and job creator.

“I strongly encourage Chairman Paul Ryan and the rest of my colleagues to make human space exploration a top priority as we continue our discussion on our Republican budget for the 2012 fiscal year,” said Adams. “Human space exploration has contributed greatly to our nation’s economy, national security, and has fueled American ideas for innovation and technology. NASA’s human spaceflight program has been an American flagship and a symbol of strength for our country and has inspired children to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. While I believe there are ways we can trim NASA’s budget – specifically within the Earth Science account – we mustn’t do so at the expense of human spaceflight, which is a proven economic driver and job creator”
“The National Aeronautic and Space Administration’s primary mission has always been human space flight,” Rep. Olson said. “In this time of limited resources, we must take a common sense approach to federal spending by cutting duplicative programs. Climate research is currently conducted in 16 different federal agencies. NASA’s strength is proving American exceptionalism through human space exploration. The U.S. has been a global leader in space flight and here at home we have reaped the benefits of this national investment. By streamlining federal priorities we can cut spending in NASA’s budget for climate research and maintain a stable human space flight program.”

To view the letter, please click here.