At present the diplomatic representatives from some Latin-American
countries visited S.P. Korolev Rocket Space Corporation Energia.

Over two hours visit was performed in the scope of this
diplomatic mission program in Korolev. The visit is arranged by the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation, National Committee
of Economical Cooperation Support to the Latin American countries and
town administration.

Ambassadors of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Guatemala,
Costa-Rica, Cuba, Mexico, Chili, Uruguay took part in this diplomatic
mission – Juan Carlos Sanches Arnahu, Gonsalo de Hacha Prado, Tereza
Maria Machado Quintella, Alfonso Matta Facen, Plutarco Hernandez Sancho,
Carlos Palmarola, Luciano Eduardo Jublan Castaneda, Pablo Cabrera, Pedro
Jose Dondo Cuadrelli, temporally charge d’affaires of Venezuela – Gonsalo
Prieto Oliveira, Columbia and Equador Embassies counsellors – Jovanni
Velasques Quintero and Eugenio Vasques Galarsa, officials of those countries
Embassies in Russia. The diplomats were accompanied by Morozov V.I.
Director of the Latin-American Department, Ministry of Foreign Affaires
and his Deputy, Orlovets M.I., Silaev I.S. Chairman of National Committee
of Economical Cooperation with the Latin American countries and his
Deputy, Koryagin N.I., Morozenko A.F., Head of Korolev administration.

The guests of the Corporation were welcomed by Semenov
Yu.P. President of Corporation, Designer General, Academician of RAS,
who told them in briefly about history and subject of the enterprise
activities, answered their questions, proposed directions of possible
further cooperation.

Then the guests got acquainted with history of Corporation
in the museum.