San Francisco-area news media representatives are invited to NASA
Ames Research Center to attend the live televised broadcast of a
briefing about NASA’s fiscal year 2003 budget request at 12 noon PST,
Monday, Feb. 4, 2002. To reach NASA Ames, take the Moffett Field exit
off U.S. 101 and drive east to the main gate at Moffett Federal
Airfield. At the main gate, information regarding entry procedures
and badging, and directions to Bldg. 241, located to the right of the
Administration Building on Bush Circle, will be provided.

Bay Area news media representatives are invited to attend a live
broadcast of a briefing about NASA’s fiscal year 2003 budget request
on Monday, Feb. 4, 2002, at 12 noon PST. The briefing, which will
originate from NASA Headquarters in Washington, will be carried live
on NASA Television. Reporters can view the broadcast at NASA’s Ames
Research Center in the Bldg. 241 conference room (Room B24A in the

NASA Administrator Sean O’Keefe and NASA management officials will be
on hand to answer questions at the briefing. Reporters covering the
briefing at Ames will be able to ask questions of the participants.

A summary of the budget request will be available to media
representatives at the beginning of the news conference. The budget
request also will be available on the NASA Home Page at:

NASA TV is on GE-2, transponder 9C, located at 85 degrees West
longitude, with vertical polarization. Frequency will be on 3880.0
MHz, with audio on 6.8 MHz.