WASHINGTON — Journalists are invited to tour a NASA Technology exhibit on Tuesday, March 15, from 4 to 5 p.m. EDT in room HVC-201 of the Capitol Visitor Center.

The exhibit will include the engineering twin of “Robonaut,” a robot designed through a partnership between NASA and General Motors. The original Robonaut launched aboard space shuttle Discovery earlier this month and is about to begin work as a crew member aboard the International Space Station.

In addition to Robonaut, NASA exhibits will show how the latest NASA technology advances medicine, improves water quality, designs safer, more efficient airplanes, and brings new solutions to everyday challenges.

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, former chairman of the House Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee, along with Reps. Chaka Fattah, Hansen Clarke and Gary Peters, and NASA Chief Technologist Bobby Braun will be on hand to talk about Robonaut and NASA technology during the event. Other members of Congress also may attend.

Journalists who do not have U.S. Capitol press credentials must contact the House Press Gallery at 202-225-3945. This event is not open to the public, and media access will conclude at 5 p.m.

More information about NASA Technology and Innovation is available at: http://www.nasa.gov/oct

To schedule an interview with Rep. Rohrabacher, contact Tara Setmayer at 202-225-2415. For more information, visit: http://rohrabacher.house.gov