U.S. House Science, Space, and Technology Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) today released the following statement on a draft climate assessment reported on by the New York Times. The U.S. Global Change Research Program Climate Science Special Report, which is part of the National Climate Assessment, has been public for months and is currently undergoing agency review. 
Chairman Smith: “The alarmist climate media is at it again.  In its latest reporting of a so-called leaked climate assessment the New York Times relies on exaggerated statements and false allegations of cover-ups in order to push an agenda.  To treat a climate report that has been public for months and is currently undergoing official comment by numerous federal agencies as a final document does a disservice to the American people.  In numerous instances, the report fails to examine some of the most current data.  For example, the impact of El Nino on the climate is completely downplayed and misconstrued to conflict with historical reports.  Moreover, this alarmist reporting attempts to falsely link extreme weather events to climate change, when the data has never suggested this.  Making temperature predictions far into the future has proven to be nothing more than speculation, and goes against the principles of scientific integrity.  We should treat this document for what it is, an unfinished draft that requires serious revision.  To report it in any other way is just fake news.”