Today, Congressman Dana Rohrabacher issued the following congratulatory statement on the successful launch of the SpaceX Falcon 9 vehicle and reentry of the Dragon capsule. Today’s launch was the first NASA Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS) Demonstration Flight.

“SpaceX has taken one more step into changing the paradigm of space flight,” said Rohrabacher. “By demonstrating that we can use commercial companies to meet national goals, the continued success of SpaceX will enable NASA to focus their efforts into the far frontiers of space.

“American commercial space companies continue to meet new goals while ensuring the highest level of safety in protecting the public. As SpaceX and the entire commercial space industry continue to make spectacular new achievements, we salute their efforts and look forward to the days when we can permanently expand humanity beyond the Earth.”

The Dragon spacecraft is the first vehicle to return from space under the authority of the Federal Aviation Administration. In 2004, Rep. Rohrabacher served as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics when the FAA was granted said authority.