WASHINGTON, DC – Ranking Republican Ralph Hall (R?TX) today announced his staff for the 110th Congress.  Hall officially became Ranking Member on January 3rd.

Heading up the staff will be Janet Poppleton, who also continues to serve as Chief of Staff in Rep. Hall’s Congressional Office.  Poppleton has served as Chief of Staff to Mr. Hall since 1996, and previously served as his Press Secretary from 1993-1996.  Poppleton earned her Bachelors Degree in English from Southern Arkansas University and a Masters Degree in English from Stephen F. Austin University.  Poppleton was a John C. Stennis Congressional Fellow in the 108th Congress.

Serving as Staff Director will be Leslee Gilbert.  Gilbert began her Hill career in 2003 as a speechwriter for Rep. Hall, and advanced to the position of Legislative Director in 2005.  Prior to moving to Washington, Gilbert taught at colleges in both Arizona and Minnesota.  A native of Ft. Worth, Texas, she received her Bachelors Degree from Texas A&M University and went on to earn both a Masters Degree and Ph.D. in History from the University of Kentucky.  Gilbert is currently a second-year law student, in an evening program at the Washington College of Law at American University.

“I am delighted to have been able to put together such a qualified staff,” Hall said.  “Janet and Leslee are experienced and effective Hill staffers, who are extremely knowledgeable about the Committee’s issues and the legislative process.  I am confident that as a team, we can really help to shape a Republican vision for science.”

Handling issues related to the Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics will be Ed Feddeman and Ken Monroe, both of whom were also staffers for the Subcommittee during the last Congress.  Feddeman has been with the Science Committee for the last seven years, and has a wealth of experience on Capitol Hill, having previously served as Chief of Staff for both Rep. Bill Clinger from 1994-1996 and Rep. George Nethercutt from 1996-1999.  Feddeman also served as Professional Staff for the Committee on Public Works and Transportation from 1984-1994.  He earned his Bachelors Degree from Washington and Lee University.

Prior to joining the Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee, Ken Monroe was the Director of New Product Development for Qwest Communications from 1999-2001.  He has also held various engineering and management positions, including Executive Officer to the Kennedy Space Center Director, at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) from 1987-1998.  Monroe earned a Bachelors Degree in Engineering from the University of Central Florida, as well as a Masters Degree in Business Administration from the Florida Institute of Technology.

Tom Hammond will be handling all issues brought up under the new Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations.  Hammond previously served on the Science and Technology Committee in positions of increasing responsibility since 2001, most notably as Professional Staff for the Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics.  Prior to joining the Committee, Hammond worked as a Corporate Intelligence Consultant for a Washington-based firm.  He earned his Bachelors Degree in Political Science from Hartwick College, as well as a Masters Degree in National Security and Strategic Studies from the U.S. Naval War College.  

Amy Carroll will be handling all issues related to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).  Carroll had previously served as Staff Director for the Subcommittee on Environment, Technology and Standards, after starting on the Committee as an American Association for the Advancement of Science Congressional Fellow in 2002.  A native of Portsmouth, NH, Carroll earned her Bachelors Degree in Biochemistry from University of Notre Dame, as well as a Ph.D. in Microbiology from Cornell University.

Melé Williams will be handling issues for the Subcommittee on Research and Science Education.  In the previous Congress, Williams had served as Professional Staff on the Subcommittee on Research as well as Designee to Subcommittee Chairman Bob Inglis (R-SC).  Prior to joining the Subcommittee, Williams served as Director of Government Relations for the League of American Bicyclists.  She also handled a variety of legislative issues for the late Senator Strom Thurmond (R-SC) from 1989-1998.  Williams earned her Bachelors Degree in Political Science and English from the University of South Carolina and is currently pursuing her Masters Degree in English from George Mason University.

Elizabeth Stack will be handling the Energy portfolio.  Stack is a Senior Policy Advisor to Rep. Hall on energy issues.  She is also the Policy Coordinator for the Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality.  Stack has been employed in the office of Rep. Hall, in positions of increasing responsibility, since first joining the staff as an intern in 1994.  Stack earned her Bachelors Degree in History from The University of Texas at Austin.

Handling technology issues will be Tind ‘Shep’ Ryen and Piper Largent.  Ryen previously served as Professional Staff on the Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee in the last Congress.  He has also previously served as a Projects Assistant at the Center for Science, Policy, & Outcomes.  Ryen earned his Bachelors Degree in Astrophysical Sciences from Princeton University, and went on to earn his Masters Degree in Science and Technology Policy from the Department of Environmental Studies from the University of Colorado at Boulder.

Largent comes to the Committee from the House Small Business Committee, where she has worked since 2001, most recently serving as Staff Director of the Rural Enterprise, Agriculture and Enterprise Subcommittee since 2003.  She also previously served as a Legislative Assistant in the office of Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) from 1999-2001.  Largent earned her Bachelors Degree in Political Science and Journalism from the University of Oklahoma.

Zachary Kurz has been named the Republican Press Secretary.  Kurz had previously served as the Deputy Communications Director for the Science Committee in the 109th Congress, after starting on the Committee as a Staff Assistant in March, 2005.  Kurz earned his Bachelors Degree in Economics from Hamilton College.

Chase Simmons has been hired as a Research Assistant.  Simmons had previously served as a Senior Staff Assistant for the Energy and Commerce Committee, after first coming to Capitol Hill as an intern in Rep. Hall’s office in September, 2005.  Simmons earned his Bachelors Degree in Psychology from Texas A&M University. Josh Richards has been hired as an Executive Assistant.  Richards had previously served as Special Assistant to the former Science Committee Chief of Staff during the 109th Congress.  Prior to joining the Committee, Richards served as an International Programs and Policy Analyst at the International Policy Office of Army Strategy at the Pentagon.  Richards earned his Bachelors Degree in Information Systems Management from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.

Clark Trimmer has been hired as the Republican Staff Assistant.  Trimmer started on the Committee as a Staff Assistant during the 109th Congress, after earning his Bachelors Degree in International Relations from the University of Redlands.