(Washington, DC)  Speaking before a group of this country’s technology and innovation business leaders, Science Committee Ranking Member Rep. Bart Gordon (D-TN) today urged CEO’s to reject the Administration’s under-funded research and development budget.

“I don’t have to remind this crowd that scientific advancement is one of the keys to U.S. competitiveness in a global marketplace,” stated Gordon during the meeting on Capitol Hill with TechNet – a bipartisan political network of CEOs that promote the growth of technology with the goal of advancing America’s leadership in innovation.  “This Administration claims to understand this concept, but their budget tells a different story.”

Under the proposed budget, this country’s research and development funding as a percentage of the GDP is near a 50-year low.  Congressman Gordon and the technology CEOs agreed that the Administration’s proposed funding for basic research is overall insufficient and out of balance on many levels.

“Our technology community has been at the forefront of some of the last century’s greatest innovations.  And I agree with TechNet – to stay at the forefront, our country must create the best environment possible for innovation,” added Gordon.

“In the increasingly competitive global market place, we must better prepare our children in math, science and engineering for the high demands of the technology careers of the future.  We must develop, attract and retain the world’s best minds and innovators.  And we must consider basic research funding as an essential investment to protect our economy and way of life,” continued Gordon.

Friday, Science Committee Democrats and Republicans submitted “Views and Estimates” to the House Budget Committee highlighting many of the same issues that the technology committee presented at today’s conference.

“On a bipartisan basis, our Committee is urging Congress to make budget decisions that recognize the importance and contributions of science and technology to productivity and economic growth,” concluded Gordon.  “Our future competitiveness depends on it.”

TechNet’s members represent more than one million employees in the fields of information technology, biotechnology, e-commerce and finance.  Rep. Gordon joined House Democratic Leader Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid today in the meeting focused on America’s global leadership in innovation.