Washington, D.C. – Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA), chairman of the House Appropriations subcommittee that funds NASA, today released the following statement concerning the conclusion of an independent review of NASA’s security protocols:

“Last year, after learning of security violations at NASA’s Ames and Langley research centers, I called on Administrator Bolden to commission a comprehensive, independent review of the agency’s security, export control and access to NASA property by foreign nationals. 

“I appreciate that Administrator Bolden moved quickly on this request and selected the National Academy of Public Administration to conduct this review.  The team was led by former Governor and Attorney General Dick Thornburgh and included a group of experts in security policy.   

“Frankly, I was taken aback at the breadth and depth of security challenges identified across NASA and I am deeply disappointed the agency has restricted access to the report.  The report should be made public as soon as possible, with any necessary redactions in the interest of national security, because it confirms not only the serious security challenges that need to be addressed, but a persistent organizational culture that fails to hold center leadership, employees and contractors accountable for security violations. This must change. 

“The U.S. intelligence community has made clear that we face unprecedented cyber and espionage threats, especially from countries seeking to steal cutting-edge aerospace technology which often has military applications.  It is imperative that NASA secure its key assets and instill a culture of accountability when security violations occur. 

“It is my understanding that NASA intends to move forward on implementing many of the recommendations included in the report.  I included language in the FY 2014 Omnibus spending bill requiring NASA to provide Congress with quarterly reports on the status of its implementation of the report’s recommendations and I look forward to discussing this further my subcommittee’s hearing with Administrator Bolden in March.”