WHO: U.S. Representative Dave Weldon, M.D., F.A.C.P – FL 15th Congressional District

WHAT: Rep. Weldon is announcing new legislation that would propose additional Space Shuttle flights through the “gap” in which America will not otherwise have access to space. This legislation will also provide additional resources for the Constellation project, and will have a positive effect on our national security as well as the local economy.

WHEN: Monday, December 17, 2007, 1:00pm

WHERE: Kennedy Space Center, Visitor Complex, Debus Conference Facility (Directions: Enter the Visitor Complex and follow the perimeter road around the parking lot (drive around in the shape of an upside down U). Stay in the left lane following signs to NASA Guest Operations (adjacent to the Debus Conference Facility where you’ll be parking). The left lane will lead you to a security post by the Debus Conference Facility. You will be parking in this Debus Conference Facility lot. Security will have a gate open for entrance into the park.

BACKGROUND: Rep. Weldon continues to be one of the leading standard bearers for NASA’s Constellation program and agrees that the Shuttle program should move toward retirement. The Congressman, however, believes that the United States is about to cede space access to the Chinese and Russians for 5 years or more. In addition to the national security and technological issues, many valuable jobs at Kennedy Space Center may be abruptly lost due to this flight gap. In light of these facts, his bill is aimed addressing these critical matters.

Contact: Jeremy Steffens (202) 577-5285 jeremy.steffens@mail.house.gov