WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) released a new plan, the “Exploration Systems Architecture Study,” which outlines the steps NASA plans to take in order to return to the Moon and explore our solar system.  Rep. Ken Calvert, who is Chairman of the Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee on the House Science Committee, released the following statement:

“As the Second Space-Age begins, America must maintain our preeminence in human space exploration and space technology.  I welcome the Architecture study released today, which embodies a spirit of optimism that I believe NASA has lost in recent decades.  I will consider its conclusions carefully as we move forward with a NASA authorization bill. 

“It is important to remember that we are pursuing human space exploration in a dynamic world, not in a vacuum.  Many nations have robust space programs, including China, which has recently entered into human space flight.  If America is unwilling to lead by investing in the space program, other countries will step up in our place.

“Clearly, we must consider the cost of exploration in conjunction with other priorities, but I do not think the cost is prohibitive.  Many people forget that an investment in our space program is an investment in the U.S. economy and U.S. education.  It is in America’s long-term interest to invest in space exploration, and I will continue to work with my colleagues to ensure all priorities receive appropriate funding.”