WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Rep. Ken Calvert (R-Corona) introduced a resolution congratulating the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) team and the Discovery crew on their successful Return-To-Flight (mission STS-114).  Rep. Calvert serves as the Chairman of the Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee of the House Science Committee. 

“The NASA team and the Discovery crew should be praised for their successful and historic return to flight,” said Rep. Calvert.  “This mission was the first step in the Nation’s Vision for Space Exploration and its success helps revitalize NASA, especially as the agency goes through a period of transition.  Commander Eileen Collins and the entire crew did an amazing job and this legislation is a small token from a grateful nation.”

The Discovery mission completed a number of new procedures, such as a back-flip maneuver as the Shuttle approached the International Space Station, as well as a record-setting three spacewalks.  The mission launched July 26, 2005 and returned August 9, 2005.  The crew aboard the Discovery Shuttle included: Commander Eileen Collins, Pilot Jim Kelly, Mission Specialist Charlie Camarda, Mission Specialist Wendy Lawrence, Mission Specialist Soichi Noguchi, Mission Specialist Steve Robinson, and Mission Specialist Andy Thomas.

A copy of the resolution can be found here: http://calvert.house.gov/SupportingFiles/documents/CALVER_057_xml.pdf.