Washington, DC. – Today, Congressman Ken Calvert announced the hiring of Ms. Roselee Nichols Roberts as his designee as a professional staff member on the House Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics.

“I’m delighted to have her on board during this exciting time of change in space exploration and transportation.  She is a fine addition to the already outstanding subcommittee staff.  Roselee has over twenty-five years of experience in government and the private sector.  As the new Chairman of the Subcommittee, I will rely on her expertise and sound judgment as we work to return the shuttle to flight, complete the International Space Station (ISS) and move forward with the President’s vision on space exploration,” said Calvert.

House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas), who represents the Johnson Space Center and is a long-time advocate of NASA, praised Roberts’ hiring.  “I have known Roselee for years, and not only does she have great expertise in space issues, but she’s also a tremendous advocate for the future of our nation’s space exploration,” DeLay said.  “Rep. Calvert and Roselee Roberts share a strong commitment to the future of space exploration, and together they will oversee the development of the president’s new vision for NASA.”

Prior to being hired by the Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee Roselee Roberts worked for the Boeing Company as the Director for Legislative Affairs.  Roberts has been responsible for representing the company’s space and aeronautics interests to the U.S. Congress for the past 17 years, including 10 years with the McDonnell Douglas Corporation prior to its merger with Boeing.  She has been involved with such programs as the International Space Station (ISS), the space shuttle, launch vehicles and satellites, and aeronautical research.

Before working in the private sector, Roberts spent nine years on Capitol Hill, serving as the legislative director and appropriations staffer for two congressmen.  During that tenure, she was also the Staff Director to Cong. Bill Nelson (D-FL) when he was Chairman of the House Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee.  Nelson is now a U.S. Senator from Florida. Prior to her experience on Capitol Hill, Roberts was an economist for several federal agencies, including the Office of Management and Budget, the President’s Council of Economic Advisers, and the Department of Transportation.

In 1997, Roberts was nominated by McDonnell Douglas as one of two women for the Leadership America program.  She has also received the Outstanding Young Woman of America award, the Women in Aerospace Emeritus award, Women in Aerospace Outstanding Leadership Award, the Outstanding Alumna of the Year (1994) for the University of Miami’s School of Arts and Sciences and the Alumna in Residence for the University of Miami for 2003-4.  Roberts has served as President and as a member of the Board of Women in Aerospace, and as President of Women in Aviation.   Roberts is a member of the University of Miami President’s Council and is the University’s Regional Alumna Representative.  She earned a bachelor’s degree in economics/mathematics from the University of Miami and a Master’s degree in Economics from Virginia Tech.  She is married to Art Roberts (BBA ’64 UM) and has two grown daughters.