Committee on Science


Ralph M. Hall, Texas, Ranking Democrat

Press Contacts:
Dave Goldston (202) 225-3665

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Sherwood Boehlert (R-NY) will discuss his
goals and priorities as the newly elected Chairman of the House Committee on
Science at the Universities Research Association, Inc.’s (URA) Annual
Council Meeting and Policy Forum. The meeting will take place tomorrow,
Wednesday, January 31, 2001, in the Lecture Room of the National Academy of
Sciences, Constitution Avenue, Washington. Chairman Boehlert is expected to
speak at 9:30 AM.

URA now compromises 89 major research universities throughout the country.
URA member universities have broad interests that span the full range of
Federal agencies involved in federal R&D funding under the Committee’s
jurisdiction, including DOE, NSF, NASA.

“I appreciate this opportunity to discuss the federal R&D effort with URA,”
Chairman Boehlert said. “One of my priorities as Science Committee Chairman
is working to strengthen our nation’s excellent research universities. Our
research universities are such a vital national resource and I hope to
ensure that they continue to play a significant role in our nation’s
scientific endeavors. I look forward to working with the academic community
as we build on our nation’s scientific achievements.”

Boehlert is expected to discuss the outlook on the overall federal R&D
effort and how federal budget constraints affect the research universities.