WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Science Committee Chairman Sherwood Boehlert (R-NY) issued the following statement today regarding the Exploration Architecture plan that was formally released this morning by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA):

“I want to congratulate Dr. Griffin and his entire team on the very thorough work they have done in putting together an ‘exploration architecture.’  While we are still reviewing the details, it appears that NASA has come up with an effective way to move forward, making the most of past U.S. investments in human space travel to enable us to enter the next phase of exploration in the safest, least expensive and most efficient way. 

“The question Congress and the Administration will still have to grapple with most is not the nature or desirability of the exploration architecture, but rather its timing.  Given the funding shortfalls in the Space Shuttle program, there is simply no credible way to accelerate the development of a Crew Exploration Vehicle unless the NASA budget increases more than has been anticipated.  Whether such an increase is a good idea in the context of overall federal spending at this time is something neither Congress nor the Administration has yet determined.”