“A Day of Remembrance” for the 17 National Heroes Who Lost Their Lives

Washington, D.C. – Representative Sandy Adams (FL-24) released the following statement today on a “Day of Remembrance” for the 17 brave astronauts who lost their lives during the Apollo 1, Challenger and Columbia tragedies.

“No matter how much time passes, it is important to remember the brave men and women who dedicated their lives to better our country and who died in that noble pursuit. Today we honor the lives of the 17 astronauts who boarded the Apollo 1, Challenger and Columbia missions, individuals who knew the risks involved in their quests, but who bravely ventured forward in the hopes of advancing mankind’s knowledge of space. It is because of these brave astronauts and the hard working men and women of NASA that America has remained a global leader in cutting edge science, research and innovation. I join all of Central Florida in honoring their memory.

“For over 50 years NASA has been a global leader in space exploration, scientific discovery and aeronautics research. At a critical juncture in our nation’s economy, it’s imperative that NASA is given the tools to continue to thrive. NASA isn’t simply about exploration – it’s about jobs, national security, research and the economy. After more than 50 years of innovation, we cannot let NASA fall to the wayside – it must remain a top priority.”