Representative Sandy Adams (FL-24) gave the following speech regarding Boeing’s announcement that it will manufacture and test its Crew Space Transportation-100 (CST-100) spacecraft and locate its Commercial Crew program headquarters at Kennedy Space Center (KSC).

Remarks as Prepared: “Thank you, John. And thank you for allowing me to be here today.

Any day that I can say jobs are going to be created in Florida’s 24th District is a good day. Florida’s Space Coast has experienced devastating job losses since the ending of the Shuttle Program. So the announcement today that The Boeing Company plans to locate its Commercial Crew program headquarters at Kennedy Space Center (KSC) is welcomed news.

Boeing chose Kennedy Space Center because it is a world class launching and integration facility with the best technologically equipped assets in the world. So there is no question why Boeing has chosen to have the center of their commercial crew program at Kennedy. Additionally, they recognize the highly skilled workforce and synergy that comes from being locally integrated with your customer.
Kennedy Space Center has been the heart of America’s Human Space exploration for decades. Children along the Space Coast have grown up watching shuttle launches from their porches and beachfronts with a sense of pride and awe.

I watched with great sadness when Shuttle Atlantis landed last July, knowing that it marked the end of an era that so greatly defined our country, and more specifically, Florida’s Space Coast. For 30 years, America’s Shuttle Program has been more than just space exploration to Florida families, it is part of their history, and it is their livelihoods.

But as we close one chapter of our nation’s history, we open the door to another. The Commercial Crew Development program is the best near term hope we have for getting American astronauts, on American rockets, built by an American Aerospace workforce to the international space station.

The recent failure of a Russian cargo mission highlights the problems associated with relying on foreign countries for access to the ISS. Even though scientists have pinpointed the error that caused the Russian mission to crash, and the Soyuz has once again been qualified for flight, the failure still raises serious questions about consistent American access to a vital taxpayer investment.

Countries like China and India realize the importance of having access to space, and working towards a robust and highly skilled space industry. As they continue to chart their own course, America must continue to chart ours, so that we maintain our leadership in space.

As America takes steps towards the next chapter of space exploration, it is imperative that Congress remains vigilant in its support of the efforts of the Commercial Crew and COTS program. It is imperative that Congress ensure that they have the tools they need to be ready to carry crew to station as soon as is practically possible without sacrificing safety.

The Boeing Company is helping lead the way in the next chapter of human space flight and I am proud they have chosen our community for their home.

America has staked its ground in space exploration and now is not the time to lose that ground. We must remain steadfast in our efforts.

Thank you.”