The 34th ESLAB Symposium “The 3-D Heliosphere at Solar Maximum” will be held
at ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, on 3-6 October 2000.

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 31 May 2000

All current information about the Symposium can be found on the ESLAB 34
Website at:

The Symposium will be structured around the following Sessions:

* The Sun and Corona near Solar Maximum
* The Large-scale structure of the Heliosphere near Solar Maximum

* Energetic Particles in the Heliosphere
* Cosmic Rays in the Heliosphere
* The Heliosphere in the Local Interstellar Medium

and will address such topics as:

* What are the dominant processes that determine the global structure of the inner heliosphere under conditions of high solar activity?
* What are the key differences between the high-latitude heliosphere at solar maximum and solar minimum?
* What is the extent of coupling between the low- and high-latitude
heliosphere near solar maximum?
* What is the latitudinal structure of transient interplanetary disturbances?
* What is the nature of cosmic ray modulation at high latitudes near solar
* What are the key questions to be addressed by the fleet of solar /
heliospheric spacecraft in the period 2000- 2004?

Invited Review papers will be presented by Prof. E.C. Stone (Keynote
Address); Prof. A. Balogh; Prof. P. Bochsler; Prof. L.A. Fisk; Dr. S. Gibson;
Prof. G. Gloeckler; Dr. J.T. Gosling; Dr. B. Heber; Dr. J.T. Hoeksema;
Dr. M. Landgraf; Prof. J.F. McKenzie; Dr. M. Neugebauer (Symposium Summary);
Prof. M.S. Potgieter; Dr. M. Reiner; Prof. G.M. Simnett; Prof. S. Solanki.

*Symposium Fee*

The fee for participants registering before the 25 August Early Registration
deadline is 250 NLG (113.45 Euro). After this date, the registration fee will
increase to 300 NLG (136.13 Euro). The fee, which
should be paid using the registration form, includes admission to a reception
and to the symposium dinner, as well as a copy of the proceedings. The fee
for accompanying persons wishing to attend the
symposium dinner will be NLG 100 (45.38 Euro).

*Financial Support*

A limited amount of financial support (in the form of partial travel or
accommodation grants) will be available for young researchers and for
researchers from less developed regions. Prospective attendees who may
require partial financial support are invited to contact the Chairman of the
Scientific Programme Committee (R.G. Marsden) well in advance of the Abstract
submission deadline (31 May 2000) to obtain details.


Papers will be selected on the basis of abstracts of 300 – 500 words and may
be submitted:

– By using the form on the internet (preferred method)
– By e-mail attachment (Word or WP or plain text)
– By mail

Abstracts should contain the following information:

– Title of the paper
– Name(s) of author(s)
– Affiliation(s) of author(s)
– Body of abstract

In addition, the full address of the contact person, including telephone/fax
numbers and e-mail address should be given separately.

Abstracts should be sent BEFORE 31 MAY 2000 to:

34th ESLAB Symposium
ESTEC Conference Bureau
Postbus 299
22 AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 71 565 5005
Fax: +31 71 565 5658
Further information can be obtained from:
Dr. R.G. Marsden
Solar System Division
Space Science Dept. of ESA
P.O. Box 299
2200 AG Noordwijk
The Netherlands
Fax: +31 71 565 4697