A task force chartered to help identify research
priorities for NASA will present its findings to the NASA
Advisory Council (NAC) Wednesday, July 10, at NASA
Headquarters in Washington.

The Research Maximization and Prioritization Task Force,
known as ReMaP, performed an independent external review and
assessment of research productivity and priorities for the
entire scientific, technological and commercial portfolio of
NASA’s Biological and Physical Research Enterprise.

The presentation is scheduled for 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. EDT at
Headquarters’ Program Review Center and is open to the

Chaired by Dr. Rae Silver, professor of Natural and Physical
Sciences at Columbia University, ReMaP’s recommendations are
expected to provide important guidance on how to maximize the
scientific returns on many NASA programs, including the
International Space Station.

The NAC will review ReMaP’s findings and will formally
present final recommendations to NASA Administrator Sean
O’Keefe for consideration.

Silver and ReMap Vice-Chair David Shirley will be available
to answer questions after the NAC presentation during a press
briefing scheduled for 1:30 p.m. EDT in room 8O61 at
Headquarters. Media representatives who cannot attend the
briefing in Washington can participate by teleconference.

Reporters who want to participate in the post-presentation
briefing must contact the NASA newsroom at 202/358-1600 by
4:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 9. Reporters contacting the newsroom
after that date will not be allowed to take part in the

Supporting material used for the NAC presentation will be
available on the Internet after
9 a.m. EDT, July 10, at