Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) offered the following statement after the release of the President’s FY2016 Budget. 

“The President’s Budget would help ensure that the U.S. can compete in a 21st Century global economy and solidify America’s place as a scientific and technological leader. The commitment to STEM education, advanced manufacturing, and energy efficiency and the development of clean energy alternatives is encouraging. I am most pleased by the 6 percent increase for research and development.  Robust investments in R&D and education are essential if we want to create jobs, stimulate economic growth, and unlock untold societal benefits. 

“I am also pleased that the budget would undo the sequester. The full impact of sequestration on non-defense discretionary spending would be very detrimental to our research, education, and innovation enterprise. The scientists, engineers, and innovators of today make discoveries and develop technologies that improve the quality of life and security of our citizens, generate whole new industries and jobs, and keep our nation thriving in a competitive world economy. They also help to give our children the inspiration and grounding they will need to become the next innovators, or just to be prepared for the high-skilled jobs of the future.  The only responsible course of action is to invest in our research agencies like the President has proposed, not hamstring them with arbitrary sequestration cuts.

“I look forward to reviewing the specific budget requests of the agencies under the jurisdiction of the Committee in more detail in the weeks ahead and I look forward to working with the President and my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to ensure that America remains a leader in science and technology in the decades to come.”