Washington, D.C. March 9, 2011.–Today Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) applauded the successful completion of the final mission of the Space Shuttle Discovery. “This is an historic moment in the space program. From launching satellites such as the Hubble Space Telescope, deploying the Ulysses satellite to study the Sun, becoming the first Shuttle orbiter to rendezvous with the Russian Mir Space Station, and transporting the Japanese Kibo laboratory to the International Space Station, Discovery has greatly expanded our scientific and human exploration of space” said Ranking Member Johnson. Discovery’s final mission, STS-133, delivered the Permanent Multipurpose Module, the Express Logistics Carrier, and provided critical spare parts to the International Space Station. “As we bid a fond farewell to Discovery, we salute the countless men and women of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and its contractor workforce who have worked faithfully and tirelessly to ensure the safety of Discovery’s crews and the success of her 39 missions over a period of more than twenty-five years” added Ranking Member Johnson. “In celebrating an historic era of Space Shuttle Discovery flights, we must not lose sight of our commitment to move forward without delay on the next generation of United States human spaceflight systems that will sustain our leadership and continue to inspire new achievements in the human exploration of outer space” said Johnson.