– thanks to Andrew Yee for noticing this.

Publication of the History of On-Orbit Satellite Fragmentations
By E. Cizek

The 12th Edition of the History of On-Orbit Satellite Fragmentations
(JSC-29517) has recently been completed. This release contains all known
satellite fragmentations prior to May 30, 2001. Expanded topics include
descriptions of Information Sources, Environment Overview, On-orbit
Spatial Density, Population Disposition, and A 1990s Fragmentation
Retrospective. Numerous tables and color diagrams have been added to
illustrate information related to these topics and others within the
document. A new section, Event Master List, provides a quick reference
for the reader to identify an event by the international designator and
its associated color-coded event type.

The first page of the two page format for the breakups consists of
information pertinent to the breakup; parent identity, satellite number,
event date and time, breakup orbital parameters, the number of pieces
detected, the number remaining in orbit and the assessed cause. The
second page consists of a Gabbard diagram of the debris cloud if
sufficient orbital data were collected.

The 12th Edition will be available in Adobe PDF format on the Orbital
Debris website at


A free copy of Adobe Reader may be obtained from the Adobe website
[http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep.html]. If you wish to
obtain a printed copy of the document, please send your request to
marie.e.cizek1@jsc.nasa.gov . For shipping purposes, include a street
mailing address (PO box numbers are not acceptable) and a business
phone number.