MARCH 10-15, 2001


Come join us!!!

Dear friends,

Here’s your chance to make your voice heard on Capitol Hill!!! Every
year, ProSpace holds an exciting event in Washington called March Storm.
During that week, private citizens from all across the nation come
together to brief our leaders on our Citizens Space Agenda. And we’d like
to invite you to join us.

Here’s what we’ll be talking to Congress about this year.

The 2001 Citizens’ Space Agenda: A Summary

1) The Future of American Space Transportation (FAST):

There has been growing concern over the direction of NASA’s Space Launch
Initiative. ProSpace is now calling for the $4.5 billion designated for
that program over the next five years to be reprogrammed into a new
program called The Future of American Space Transportation (FAST).
Included in the FAST program:

A) Investment tax credits for new space transportation. These tax
credits would pass through to the investors in companies building the next
generation of launch vehicles

B) A federal payload program for new reusable launch vehicles.

C) A new NASA program called the Commercial Convergence of Human
Space Flight.

D) A new focus on smaller, less capable x-vehicles, with funding for
both NASA and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).

E) Passage of two other tax-based initiatives: Zero-G, Zero Tax,
which provides a tax holiday for new space-based commercial ventures; and
The Spaceport Investment Act, which would for the first time allow
tax-free bonds to be issued for infrastructure construction and upgrades
at our nation’s spaceports.

2) Space Solar Power

Gas prices and the power interruptions in California have put our nation’s
lack of a coherent long-term energy policy on the front burner in
Washington. ProSpace has long supported Space Solar Power as one of the
most promising future solutions to the world’s energy needs.

This year, ProSpace will call for a significant increase in funding for
Space Solar Power over the next five years. Included in that request will
be a Discovery-class payload for a space-to-ground power transmission
demonstration in that five year time frame.

3) Asteroid Research

On several occasions in the past two years, there have been reports of
asteroids on possible collision course with the Earth. Those reports have
pointed up the need to significantly increase research of Near Earth
Objects in an effort to identify and track any such asteroids which pose a
possible threat.

To that end, ProSpace is working with experts in the field to put together
a long-term research proposal for the consideration of our leaders in

4) International Space Station

With construction of ISS now well underway, thoughts are now turning to
the future management of the station. NASA is exploring the idea of a
non-governmental organization (NGO) to manage some functions, primarily in
the scientific research area.

But is this the best paradigm for management of ISS, one that will allow
us to get the most out of this valuable asset? And how do our
Congressional leaders feel about other options?

During March Storm, ProSpace will survey each office it visits on this
subject in an attempt to gauge the feelings of those members on the future
of ISS mangement.

This year, March Storm will be held in Washington, D.C. during the week of
March 10-15, 2001. On behalf of ProSpace America, I invite you to join us
for what may be the most important March Storm ever — and the most fun!

“You people are better than professional lobbyists. You tell me the
truth!” — Congressional staffer, March Storm 1999

Three Days on Capitol Hill – and a brand new event!!!

This year, March Storm will comprise three days of briefings on Capitol
Hill. Then on Thursday, March 15th, ProSpace will serve as a co-sponsor
of “Space: The Free Market Frontier”, an important event being conducted
by the Cato Institute, a leading Washington “think-tank”. (More on this
next week).

Join Us for March Storm 2001!!!

Learn more about March Storm and ProSpace by visiting our website(go to Or use the handy email registration form
below and return it to Tony DeTora, March Storm Director, at

In either case, complete information will be returned to you as soon as we
receive your request. And feel free to contact us with any questions you
might have.

See you in Washington in March!!!


Marc Schlather


ProSpace: The Citizens’ Space Lobby



To participate in March Storm, you must:

1) Have fun! (It’s mandatory.)

2) Support the Citizens Space Agenda we are presenting to Congress.

3) Participate in the “Training & Orientation” on Sunday, March 11,
starting at 8:30 a.m.

4) Spend at least one full day on Capitol Hill during March 12th through
March 14th.

5) Be 18 years of age or older. Minors under the age of 18 must be
accompanied by a parent or an adult with legal responsibility for the
conduct and safety of the minor. ProSpace will not assume responsibility
for the conduct and safety of minors.

6) Participate as a *citizen* of the United States, and not on behalf of
any corporation, special interest, the armed forces, NASA, or as a citizen
of another country.

7) Be clean, well-groomed, well-dressed, and presentable:
For Men: dress shoes, dress slacks, long-sleeve shirt, tie and jacket are
For Women: dress shoes, dress skirt or slacks, and business blouse. Jacket
Sorry, uniforms are not permitted.

8) Agree to conduct yourself in a respectful manner, and be supportive of
others on the March Storm team.

9) Study the policy materials you will receive before coming to
Washington, D.C.

REGISTRATION FORM for March Storm 2001

Mark (“X”) or fill-in the blanks and email to

1) Full Name:

Mailing Address:

Home Phone:

Work Phone:

Email Address:

Member of Congress:

2) I am a U.S. Citizen: Yes ( ), No ( ).

3) As of March 10, 2001, I will be 18 years old, or older: Yes ( ), No (

4) I have read the Registration Requirements (next page) and agree to
them: Yes ( ), No ( ).

5) I will participate in:

Sunday (March 11) Training & Orientation (REQUIRED):

8:30 a.m. – 6 p.m.., Registration opens at 8 a.m.

Required for all participants.

Yes ( ), No ( ).

Congressional briefings on… (mark with an “X”). At least one full
day is Required.

Mon (3/12):

Tue (3/13):

Wed (3/14):

6) Recruited by (optional):

**IMPORTANT NOTE: All applications for participation in March Storm 2001
are provisional until accepted by the Board of Directors of ProSpace
America, Inc.