Dennis Tito, the first person to pay his own way to travel in space,
will be honored by the The Western Los Angeles County Council of the Boy
Scouts of America, who will present its prestigious Americanism Award to
him at a gala dinner reception on February 21st in Los Angeles. Apollo
11 Astronaut Buzz Aldrin, a member of the first crew to land on the
moon, serves as honorary chairman of the awards dinner. Congressman Dana
Rohrabacher, Chairman of the Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee of the
Science Committee in the U.S. House of Representatives, will also join
in the festivities to honor Mr. Tito.

(The public is invited to attend – go to:
and click the link on the lower right under the “What’s New” section
for more information.)

The Americanism Award, given annually to individuals who personify the
traditions of our country and the Boy Scouts of America, will be
presented to Mr. Tito in recognition of his outstanding career in
science, finance and philanthropy as well as his courageous space
voyage. Previous recipients of the Americanism Award include former
President Gerald Ford, the late World War II aviation hero General Jimmy
Doolittle and comedian Bob Hope.

“Growing up in Queens with Italian immigrant parents who truly believed
in the American dream, being a Boy Scout was a great motivator for me,”
observes Mr. Tito. “The experience taught me that I could achieve
anything if I set my mind to it. I am truly honored by this special

“Dennis reflects the spirit of courage and adventure of our nation and
the value of the Boy Scouts,” states Congressman Rohrabacher. “His
flight is just the crowning achievement in a lifetime of living his
American dream.”

“The true lesson of Mr. Tito’s space flight is not only in the trip
itself but also in the remarkable effort he put forth to make it
happen,” reflects ProSpace President Marc Schlather. “There were
unimaginable roadblocks at every step of the way, any one of which could
have ended his quest. That he was able to overcome them and live his
dream of flying into space is a tribute to his resolve.”

Mr. Schlather continues by observing, “More importantly, by paying his
own way, he has changed an essential paradigm of space flight. Because
of Dennis Tito, space is no longer reserved for government employees and
their invited guests. That in itself deserves special recognition.”

The Americanism Award will be presented to Mr. Tito at a reception and
dinner on Thursday, February 21st at the St. Regis Hotel in the Century
City area of Los Angeles. Reservations and information are available by
going to:
then click the link on the lower right under the “What’s New” section
for more information.