President George W. Bush offered his best wishes to the crews of NASA’s Space Shuttle Discovery and International Space Station Tuesday. In a private phone call from the White House at 10:35 a.m. EDT, the president told the astronauts that they represent the best of service and exploration, and he thanked them for the job they are doing.

A photo of the president making the call will be available on NASA’s space shuttle Web site:

The astronauts of the Discovery mission, STS-121, are in the seventh day of their 13-day flight to the space station. Discovery docked with the station last Thursday and will undock Saturday. Discovery’s mission objectives include testing new hardware and techniques to improve shuttle safety, delivering supplies, making repairs and taking a third crew member to the station.

Visit the space shuttle Web site for the latest information on the STS-121 mission. For information about other NASA missions and activities, visit: