WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Bill Posey (R-Rockledge) released the following statement honoring of the men and women working at the Kennedy Space Center who have maintained the America’s Space Shuttle fleet:

“I offer my sincere thanks to men and women of the shuttle workforce for their commitment over the past three decades to keeping America first in space. While the astronauts are often the ones who get the headlines, in my view it is the ground workforce whose unmatched skill and commitment keeps us first in space.

“Today is a difficult day for too many of these dedicated workers and their families as NASA has been forced to reduce the Shuttle workforce. My thoughts and prayers are with them as they begin a new chapter in their lives. In 1969, I was in those same shoes as the Apollo program began winding down its workforce. I know and understand the uncertainties that lie ahead.

“The Augustine Committee made clear that the only way to close the human space flight gap was to add additional shuttle flights, a position I have advocated for since I began my service in Congress 18 months ago. I had hoped for a smoother landing and a better transition for the shuttle workforce. Unfortunately, the majority in Washington has chosen a different path. I am committed to doing all that I can to help with the transition and restore American preeminence in space.

“This workforce has made America proud doing what no other workforce in the world can do. Today, I honor you for your commitment to making America a great nation.”