CLEVELAND — NASA invites members of the news media to a tour of Glenn Research Center’s Plum Brook Reactor Facility at 6 p.m. Tuesday, July 28. Program Manager Keith Peecook will lead the tour for Decommissioning community workgroup members. The tour is limited to media and workgroup members.

Plum Brook Station is located at 6100 Columbus Avenue in Sandusky, Ohio.

Reporters must register for the two-hour tour by noon on Monday, July 27, with Sally Harrington at 216-433-2037 or the Media Relations Office at 216-433-2901. Reporters should plan to arrive at Plum Brook Station by 5:45 p.m. to allow time to be cleared through security. Directions to Plum Brook can be obtained upon registration.

Cameras are welcome. All equipment and visitors are subject to scanning on entrance and exit from the Reactor Facility. Attendees are advised to wear clothes of cotton or other natural fibers, which are less likely than synthetic fabrics to absorb naturally occurring radon within the Reactor Facility. Those wearing synthetic fabrics may require additional exit scanning and be delayed departing the facility. The tour will include some open land areas, so attire appropriate to a construction site also is advised.

Information about the Decommissioning Project can be obtained from the toll-free, 24-hour Decommissioning Information Line at 1-800-260-3838 or on the Web at: